
9 Decks, 56 Comments, 6 Reputation

Just won a foil Mycoloth on eBay - thanks to everyone who suggested it (most recently batman69)

Posted 14 August 2012 at 21:29 as a comment on Token-Smashed Face


My wife runs this in her blue artifact deck. It's super-annoying, haha. While her deck is vastly different than yours, one thing I would suggest is to run at least 2x Phyrexian Metamorph. Gives you great flexibility, like cloning your opponents creatures, or just clone your artifacts. She runs 4x Thran Dynamo and is not shy about cloning those to give her even greater mana power.
Finally, you should run the blue and white artifact lands (Seat of the Synod, Ancient Den).

Also, if you wouldn't mind checking out my Ghave token deck. It's super-fun to play. http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=355873

Posted 13 August 2012 at 02:57 as a comment on MOST UNDERRATED CARD EVER!


Thanks for the comment mate!
My group's metagame is loaded with flyers, hence the cobbled wings. I also had to make changes to add in 4x Demonlord of Ashmouth as I playtested a few games and never drew any flying at all. As for mana base, I actually am running 31 land due to the 4 Vault of Whispers and it seems just as good as my usual run of 24 lands in a 60 card deck. So far.

Posted 11 August 2012 at 20:10 as a comment on XombifaX


You can't play Mercy Killing because both the green and white are part of its color identity. Any color mana symbol on a card that is not on your general disqualifies that card from your deck.
To replace it, the closest card I can think of that fits Glissa is Death Mutation. Yeah it's way different: a sorcery instead of an instant; WAY more expensive; and creates green saps instead of GW elves. On the plus side, regardless of which creature you use it on, only you benefit from it. Mercy Killing is only truly good when you use it on your own creature.

Posted 29 July 2012 at 00:54 as a comment on Glissa EDH


Oh, and Zealous Conscripts!

Posted 28 July 2012 at 00:42 as a comment on edh Thraximundar


At first glance, a few things jumped out at me:
- No tutors? I suppose your aim is to finish the game fast with your Commander once he comes out, but tutoring would help you assemble some key components in preparation for the big general.
- I would definitely run Goblin Offensive instead of Dragon Fodder. Sure it takes 5 mana to equal Dragon Fodder's token output - however in a format where large amounts of mana is common, you could be pooping out like 6 goblins if you topdeck Offensive on turn 9.
- Phantasmal Image instead of Clone? I know this goes counter to my previous comment about mana... but a 2-mana Legendary remover can be an early game-saver.
- Liliana of the Veil. Her -2 is synergistic with the rest of your deck. Her ultimate is be a game ender with Thrax out. Sort the permanents into a pile of lands and creatures in the other pile... Hahaha!

Posted 28 July 2012 at 00:37 as a comment on edh Thraximundar


Yeah I am thinking she should be in there too. Both? Argh such a difficult choice!

Posted 28 July 2012 at 00:30 in reply to #276223 on Token-Smashed Face


I don't think they combo infinitely, but they are nice together. Together they quadruple instead of double token effects. Grave Titan poops out eight 2/2 zombies instead of 2 when he ETB and attacks. I definitely want to add a doubling season, if I can get one cheap. Hoping for a reprint in Return to Ravnica. =)

Posted 28 July 2012 at 00:28 in reply to #276258 on Token-Smashed Face


Hey, thanks for the very thorough reply! A couple of things: I do have Symbiotic Wurm and Sigil Captain in there. It's too bad they don't get auto-sorted by alpha as that would make these lists easier to compute.
Some of the cards you identified as minuses are ones I have also marked as "maybes" to be replaced when something better/more interesting comes along. The exception is Acorn Catapult, which has been very useful for me. It eliminates any of my opponents annoying X/1 creatures (like say, Mother of Runes who can't protect herself from Artifacts). It also combos well when I target my own Nested Ghoul - I get a free squirrel AND zombie? Score! If I ever did decide to remove the 'pult, I would remove Nested Ghoul too.
I love your suggested additions too. I definitely need to find an Elspeth; need to reconsider Glissa; and look into Akroma's Memorial. Instead of the Goldnights, I think I would put in a Sublime Archangel. I think swinging with a multi-exalted Squirrel would be the tits!

Thanks again for the thorough comment. I'll take a look at your Thrax deck shortly with a similar critique. Cheers!

Posted 28 July 2012 at 00:13 in reply to #276237 on Token-Smashed Face


Nice deck! I appreciated your help on mine so figured I would check out your latest. I have always liked Phylactery Lich but always struggled to find a good build around him. I like what you've got going on here.

Consume Spirit would be a great finisher for this deck. Imagine using it with an activated Liliana emblem. =D I would also run Stuffy Doll over Creepy.

Posted 27 July 2012 at 00:15 as a comment on Standard Lich


Great suggestions, psychic! Selenesya Evangel was in a previous incarnation of this deck but I took her out due to substandard performance. I'm looking to get both Mycoloth and Creakwood Liege. I'm still not sure if I want Avenger of Zendikar and Rampaging Baloths.. what would I remove for them?

Posted 25 July 2012 at 22:53 as a comment on Token-Smashed Face


Removed: 1x Soul Warden, 1x Plains
Added: 1x Sorin, Lord of Innistrad, 1x Isolated Chapel

Posted 25 July 2012 at 02:16 as a comment on Token-Smashed Face


New M13 goodies!
Removed: Mortify, Death Mutation and Spread the Sickness
Added: Fungal Sprouting, Primordial Hydra, Diabolic Revelation

Posted 15 July 2012 at 17:31 as a comment on Token-Smashed Face


Removed Muraganda Petroglyphs, added Mikaeus, the Unhallowed. It struck me recently how ABSOLUTELY BONKERS he would be with this Commander. He gives all (but 2) of my creatures Undying, so they come back (after I sac them for something let's say) and then Ghave removes the +1/+1 counter from them allowing them to come back again. Repeat. I'll gladly repeatedly sac my Grave Titan for his ETB effect!

Posted 07 July 2012 at 01:31 as a comment on Token-Smashed Face


I just thought, since you're running so many zombies, another good creature for your deck would be Gravecrawler.

Have a look at my EDH deck for a good creature selection. Everyone of my creatures serves an important purpose (synergy with other cards or multiple utility). http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=355873

Posted 03 July 2012 at 00:44 as a comment on Kresh the Annihilator!!


Single use cards don't normally fare well in EDH, so I would immediately drop Lightning Bolt, Dragon Fodder, Diabolic Edict, Geth's Verdict. Look for cards with similar effects that also serve other purposes; usually you can find creatures or artifacts that accomplish similar actions.

Use the same approach when selecting creatures. Take for example Butcher Ghoul. Even if you get him in your opening hand, you're still not attacking with him until turn 3, by which time he's probably useless. If you draw him late game, he won't have any impact on the board whatsoever. Bloodghast is a better 2-mana choice, because he is so relentless.

Posted 03 July 2012 at 00:39 as a comment on Kresh the Annihilator!!


Yes -1/-1 to creatures and poison counters to players.

Posted 02 July 2012 at 22:36 in reply to #270066 on Mono-Green Infect


Love the deck name, hilarious!

Posted 02 July 2012 at 21:56 as a comment on Death by Death


Oh, and consider Rites of Flourishing and Howling Mine, to help keep your hand full of cards.

Posted 02 July 2012 at 21:25 as a comment on The Power of Gaea


Solid deck! I like Regal Force but you'll likely only benefit from him once. Consider Yavimaya Elder instead?

Add Fierce Empath/Chord of Calling so you can go get who you want when you need him.

Scavenging Ooze is just so damn versatile and sexy.

Posted 02 July 2012 at 21:23 as a comment on The Power of Gaea


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