
19 Decks, 2 Comments, 0 Reputation

Thanks for the link I do like that Neo dude's style of deckbuilding, writing and ideas. Btw, this is my current iteration of Esper Teachings without the red splash:


Disrupting Shoal was cut as I realised Mindbreak Trap can defeat all turn 1 kills. Replaced with more Snares as Search for Azcanta is a problem in the mirror. I also added a third Snap and more manlands as per you above recommendation in this list so my win cons sit at - 3 snap, 1 teferi, 4 manlands, 1 WSZ which I think is fair in the face of mill decks. Wouldn't mind finding room for a 2nd Cryptic but I think I'm ok with 1 copy as Spell Burst can handle the end game quite well.

What do you reckon?

Posted 15 December 2017 at 15:46 in reply to #609780 on Esper Teachings Red


Yea just in the process of 'dumbing down' my original 4c Teachings list into Esper for a more stable mana base, then re-building into 4c from there. Still on the fence between this list and straight Esper. I'd replace the 2 K-Command with a combination of Esper Charm, Cryptic Command and Grim Harvest but am unsure atm.

Reasoning for Red was that Kolaghan's Command is important to fight 2 archetypes that straight Esper struggles with: UB Mill and Lantern Control. Re-buying milled Snaps and smashing artifacts makes these match ups much more tolerable. K-Command works well with Teferi too if he gets Verdicted. Grim Harvest is an option without needing Red too.

My goal for the teachings lists is to have an answer to every archetype in the modern format and I believe I can achieve that with just Esper colours.

Blessed Alliance/Settle the Wreckage - Hexproof Indestructables like Fleecemain Lion
Disallow - Covers abilities such as Emrakul Promised End
Disrupting Shoal - Covers turn 1 kills on the draw from Cheerios, Narset Vengeance, Prowess/Shotgun
Mindbreak Trap - Obliterate and uncounterable spells
Surgical Extraction - Loam decks
White Sun's Zenith - Martyr Proc/life gain decks/Mill out
Ghost Quarter - Land destruction
Cast Out - Non-land destruction

Late game inevitability plan involves - Teferi, Spell Burst, Teachings, Surgical. This combination of cards locks out the late game. Then tutor for WSZ to win via damage or decking. K-Command or Grim Harvest buys back Teferi if he gets Verdicted in the control mirror.

I'd love to run 3 Snap as I find 4 one too many, but I just don't have the space based on my above theory which eats up a lot of slots and 2 Snap is fine for a long game plan without Bolts. If I were to play Bolts (which hurts my mana more), I'd play 3 Snaps.

Also, do you think Cryptic Command is worth running in this archetype?

Posted 14 December 2017 at 14:10 in reply to #609780 on Esper Teachings Red
