
2 Decks, 4 Comments, 0 Reputation

This isn't an "infinite mill" deck. That's why. Those two cards wouldn't work in this deck.

Posted 24 March 2013 at 17:22 in reply to #334971 on Standard Legal-Infinite Combo


Another thing to mention is that when you play Cavern of Souls you name Human and of course if you have two out then name the other Angel and you should be good to go.

Posted 24 March 2013 at 17:18 as a comment on Standard Legal-Infinite Combo


To clarify the combo process once the pieces are in place.

Step 1: Unburial Rites brings Angel of Glory's Rise into play
Step 2: Now that all humans from graveyard are on the battlefield use Fiend Hunter to Exile Angel.
Step 3: Use Cartel Aristocrat to target Huntmaster (you've already gained life and have a 2/2 token into play from Step 1)
Step 4: Use Cartel Aristocrat to again target but this time target Fiend Hunter
Step 5: Fiend Hunter is in graveyard so bring out your Angel from exile....and now bring out all Humans from graveyard.
Step 6: Repeat process

Hope this helps understand the mechanics.

Like I said before, this can be countered and there are many cards to stop this process but you get the idea...I hope.

Posted 24 March 2013 at 16:55 as a comment on Standard Legal-Infinite Combo


I just built this and have tested it with a couple of friends and by no means is this a win-win deck every time. I will say though, if played properly and in the right order you can achieve the combo on turn 4 and have the win on turn 5, assuming opponent has nothing to counter or destroy mid-combo. If the combo fails you can always try to play it on turn 5 or 6 etc,. The mana curve is great. I've never had any problems getting the land I need and they are perfectly balanced. You only need 5 cards in graveyard to pull the combo off.

Things I've noted during play:
Make sure to get the cards below into your graveyard as soon a possible by using Farseek & Mulch and Faithless looting if needed. Also, always keep an Unburial Rites in your hand in case your opponent stops your combo.

- Angel of Glory's Rise
- Huntmaster of the Fells
- Fiend Hunter
- Cartel Aristocrat
- Unburial Rites

Then pay the Unburial Rites from the graveyard to bring out the Angel and then you have your combo. Do this until you have enough life and 2/2 creature tokens to take out your opponent next turn.

Slaughter Games is in there simply to have as a "just in case".

Posted 24 March 2013 at 16:48 as a comment on Standard Legal-Infinite Combo
