
7 Decks, 27 Comments, 1 Reputation

very nice!

Posted 27 July 2018 at 11:06 as a comment on Edgar Markov Commander


I am looking forward to the complete list.
If you need help, I surely will help!

sincerely Raggnar

Posted 09 February 2017 at 13:44 as a comment on Ephara - creature-control


as said i did a list of my own. maybe add a batterskull to main or sideboard

Posted 26 December 2016 at 02:07 in reply to #593581 on Esper Summonings


So, man. I did my own esper summoning list on my side. I hope it can inspire or help you.

Have a nice one

Posted 25 December 2016 at 14:26 in reply to #593581 on Esper Summonings


For card-draw value I would cut all charms. the 3 colors needed CAN be hard to get at some times, furthermore force you to shock-fetch yourself for 3 life more than once.
serum visions and the scrz included make a better job.
If you want some discard outlets, include inquisition of kozilek.
i do not know what it is but something is lacking to me. I wil think about making it as consistent as possible. since zou are playing delve cards and wan to get value of your snapcaster mage, thoughtscour would be a good inclusion, if not a needed one. I will do my variation of an esper summonings. just look at my page. maybe i get it done today, surely before new year

Posted 25 December 2016 at 13:50 in reply to #593581 on Esper Summonings


Serum Vision is an "okay", yet the only draw spell in modern with consistancie and low mana cost.
Gitaxian probe should be considered, because the information you get from looking at your opponents hand helps you carefully examine what to play and when to do it.

Posted 25 December 2016 at 13:43 in reply to #593581 on Esper Summonings


Thanks for your comment.

An Esper summonings deck is very different from the U/R one
You tagged your deck under "fun" so I do not know how competitive you want it to be...
I would, for sure, cut-down the cryptic command. Two copies will be enough.
Esper charm also does not quiete get me.
Since you are playing 3 summonings, removal and counter as well as manlands, you seem to play the controlling game with this, furthermore you do not seem to have summonings as your prime win-con. .
This way I like it a lot, but it needs to be more stable or controlling in other directions.
Adding 2 Ashioks to the main deck is enhancing the controlling aspect and (can) generate "early" creatures and boardstate for you.
Two flip jaces would be usefull to draw into your deck, getting cards into the grave and generate passive pressure.
Vault of archangels I would add to the land-slot, yet cut the lands to 24. it s enough, trust me^^
Vault makes your summonings tokens more dangerous and "lifelinking".
Three ghostquarters are wayyyyyyyyy to many too. One does the job; more than enough.
For further controlling and pressuring I would add two tasigur, the goldan fang since you are not really focussing on summonings.
The supreme verdict(s) must go into the sideboard.
If you have and want to play snappie, he should be in the main-board.
You, as a spell, could also add repeal to bounce and draw, possiblie make huge tokens.

So, some quick ides from me. I hope I can help with this.
The deck you made is fun, yet not really competitive.
Have a nice day.

Sincerely Raggnar

Posted 22 December 2016 at 09:28 as a comment on Esper Summonings


Hello. I have some Ideas to make the deck more modern competitive.

First, cut all the creatures! :) Sorry, but they are, other than the gatekeeper (maybe) not so good in term of your discard strategie.
The affliction is perfect and is even better with a playset of the wrack, basically an old, but modern legal artifact for 1 mana with the same effect as shrieking affliction.
Ravens crime and smallpox can be kept too.
Duress and wrench mind and blackmail are the best, modern legal BUDGET discard spells, so wipe away crome, discovery and mutilate. for removal add bile blight as a playset, maybe varie with heroes downfall or other more versatile removal such as tribute to hunger to assure lost life.
Pack rat is the perfect creatures in this deck, because it keeps coming and assures last demage, when attaking. the multiple copies and it's ability to reproduce itself, makes smallpox a no-brainer to your boardstate.
Mutavault would be a great creature land to include, but it costs approx. 10Euros per vault.
24 Lands are way to many, you can go with 20-21 without a daud, trust me! :)

Feel free to add what pleases you, for it is your deck. i just wanted to state some modern ideas here.
Have a nice day, mate!

Posted 10 October 2016 at 13:28 as a comment on Despair II


Nice thought and +1, but...^^

Cut the wall and the harvester. Add another Kalitas and 1 copy of lingering souls.
Cut one Day of judgement and add another Drana(If day of judgement, because of your good board presence is needed at all!)
Funeral Charm and extraction are abit too random (In my opinion) (thinking a bit toooo competative) Add one more copy of souls and one more sorin.
Cut one mortify for another shambling vent and it is a cheap modern BW aggro/midrange/token.
Oh^^ 4x umezawa is too much I guess. it is a three drop legend.
I would cut at least two if not all for some more nighthawkes, one more grim return, or swiching them for 2 Gurmag Angler or a Gideon Jura.
Mark of the vampire is also very meeeh

Sincerely Gideon.

Posted 28 March 2016 at 21:27 as a comment on Neverending Project


Very nice Deck indeed. 1:1 how I am playing it sometimes^^
But you wont fight my (white) Power (sarcasm) with it ! :)
Sincerely Gideon

Posted 28 March 2016 at 21:18 as a comment on Fight the Power!


UUUH. you play dangerous there, falcon^^
Kithkins are "tribal cards", though may have tribal pride.
Because they are mono white they are having "White Pride" :)
Go overung modern turnaments with it.
Sincerely Gideon (Jura^^)

Posted 28 March 2016 at 21:12 in reply to #574060 on White


Thnaks for the reply!
Nice card indeed. 4 mana is a bit high, though. I will try it, but won't really dissrupt the curve and 17 lands (working great, winning me another event.)
I will report my real life experience with it here.
I just think the "brimaz like" token effect is not as good for 4 mana card, at least not as good as brimaz.
the battelcry is neat, but not needed, for honor effects the board enough with itÄs three copies.
anyways, we will see^^
I have to "tr" mirran crusader too.

Posted 28 March 2016 at 21:10 in reply to #578627 on White


thanks for the reply. forgot about it a bit. the "grave hate" was only thought about for esper/grixis with the dryad militant. Disenschant is nice, but O.ring, even if a bit "harder" to cast, is way more versatile. i tried it before. thanks anyways

Posted 28 March 2016 at 21:05 in reply to #578641 on White


Well, Hann...^^

I looked the card up, but have to say it is tooooo mana-intensive for it getting an actuall threat.
Attacking tokens are neat, but 1/1? eeh
for it to be "good" i woud have to invest 4-5 mana, which is too high, looking at the counterheavy meta, as well as the blockers toughness mostly being above one.
I guess it could be somewhat of an ivasion-ish abillity to assure some last points of damage, but i feel "safer" investing the mana in a pumpspell or two 2-drops with firststrike.
I like the Idea for I am still brewing and things like brimaz come to my mind.
Also I thought about playing honor of the pure again, but do not know what to cut.
I am currently playing 17 lands, which is still more than enough.

thanks for answering again.
sincerely Gideon!

Posted 01 February 2016 at 16:51 in reply to #574030 on White


You nailed it! I am also german....

Well. as stated, "do not take the name the wrong way", but as it seems darker humor is not appriciated by all, furthermore it is critized by as it seems kids or thoughtless "adults" who come up with "just die" ^^
In case you did not realize the sarcasm included in my first sentence, I am no Nazi.
The Name came up whie chatting with some friends while playing magic.
It surely can be seen as a crossing with the nazi-organisations, but should just state an aggressive white deck, pimped up with dark humor. (take it as you like!)

So. even if i was spending some time on a pretty useless answer to very useless comment, I wish you, Lykan89 a good day and hope you wish a healthy and filled life :)

Sincerely Gideon

Posted 31 January 2016 at 03:42 in reply to #574060 on White


Many thanks! Has won me several turnaments, as well as making matches close everytime.

Posted 30 January 2016 at 14:20 in reply to #574030 on White
