
2 Decks, 20 Comments, 0 Reputation

Two creatures, Ulamog, and Kozilek, their 'when you cast' effects still happen. :) I'm also building a Jhoira EDH deck, Trying to get together a bunch of ideas.

Posted 09 September 2011 at 23:16 as a comment on Jhoira EDH


When I started to play Magic, they were at Alara Reborn, the ending of Shards, coming out with M10. So I was born on Conflux more or less. I also found Elvish visionary, 1/1 drop 2 to draw 1 card. xD Completely forgot about her.

Posted 26 September 2010 at 12:39 in reply to #89045 on Umbra Deck (Need help narrowing!)


Sounds about right, Harmonize Added, Dreamstone Hedron out.

Snake Umbra really shouldn't be implemented, because my monsters are just 8 defenders, 4 mana exceller and one Eldrazi. xD

Posted 25 September 2010 at 23:28 as a comment on X Marks The Spot


I have Dreamstone Headron in there for more of a Draw thing, than Mana Excel, I'm wondering what I should replace it with? Anyone have any ideas? I'd rather not get any Scars of Mirrodin suggestions. xD

I want something that helps ME draw, but I don't think green or red has any draw stuff, besides Explore.

Posted 25 September 2010 at 13:28 as a comment on X Marks The Spot


I COULD, but I don't know how much I WANT to.

Protean Hydra is an okay idea, but for some reason doesn't appeal to me, I have a friend who runs it, but everyone argues about it, and I just want to strangle them. xD "Oh, if the counters get removed from it, it still lives!" >.> I question their minds, lol.

I'm actually thinking about throwing in Vigor for no reason, it'd be a fun twist to see people go 'huh?', They can't really attack me, or block me, and hey! If I want to be stupid, I could fireball an Oracle for 31 (like I did to my friend. xD) and make it a 33/33, take a beefy Oracle!

Posted 25 September 2010 at 11:58 in reply to #88897 on X Marks The Spot


Well, the Oracles are like, my wife. xD Specially since I love the effect.

Well, it'd either be Holy strength, or Hyena umbra, which I think Hyena Umbra works a little better, gives it first strike, +1/+1, and totem armor, for the same mana cost.

I was thinking Umbra Mystic is good, but only for when you use no totem armor, a great aura for when you have no totems in hand, is Canopy Cover, Troll shroud like Sacred Wolf, AND Hover (Gives it flying, but doesn't call it flying. xD)

Oh yeah, Armored Ascension, that's a great Aura to put in, forgot about it. I was going to put indestructibility in it, but I shied away from it, and thought that Savage Silhouette is a good card, +2/+2 and regenerate for 2? I read online the rulings to Totem Armor, if you regenerate and have Totem armor, you can CHOOSE which one goes away first.

If you need a low drop for flying, Definitely Asha's favor, Flying, First Strike, and Vigilance for 3. :P

Posted 25 September 2010 at 11:49 in reply to #88894 on Umbra Deck (Need help narrowing!)


Well, with the Sun Titan thing, I'm not really a fan of him, and as much as I want to play him, he's just too big of a target, most people that I play against in my College is like.. "Non-black creature removal" mostly all the times. Plus, I'm not so funded. xD I got Oracles when they were $1 each.

I looked up Rancor, and that is a beastly enchantment, but I'm trying to keep myself around the extended area and up, even though I see stuff from Legacy and such.

Oracle.. well, even though she makes NO sense in MOST of the decks I play, if I have green, she's in there.

Umbra Mystic well.. I was thinking of her, and I didn't know if I SHOULD of had her, so I'm gonna. Lifelink is something I planned on keeping, maybe bounce Mantles and keep 2 Lifelinks?

Understood with Naturalize, but I try to keep it there, it's not really meant for my own stuff, more meant to kill off other things in my opponents field, Eldrazi Monument, Beastmaster, Pyromancer, etc. etc.

I will probably just narrow Oracle to 3 as said, and remove Pacifism, 2 celestials, and lifelink.

If you have anything else, please tell me. :)

Posted 25 September 2010 at 03:40 in reply to #88872 on Umbra Deck (Need help narrowing!)


Understand fully what you mean with Vent, but I thought it was a bit too much of a mana cost for me to drop for pinging, granted Oracle isn't one to be talking about.

My main deck idea was to run pure defenders, but kinda grew out of it and narrowed myself down with quite a lot of options. Also thinking about lowering the forest count, because I realized my ONLY green spells are Oracle and Overgrown, say Forests go down to around 4, and throw in 2 Raging Ravines?

More or less ranting to get my ideas out.

Posted 25 September 2010 at 03:32 in reply to #88870 on X Marks The Spot


I would say that you should rid the token spammers, throw in Ajani's Pridemate, put in Celestial Mantle (despite the mana cost, should only play 1 atleast for kicks), get rid of Springjack Sheppard, because that card is best in a goat token deck, and probably throw in Felidar Sovereign for a faster win of life, 40 rather than 50.

In case things are going the completely opposite way, Worship, Token spam (in the sideboard) and Near Death Experience. Also Angel's Grace just for "No winning for you" kind of thing. :) I'm just saying this because I'm going to put together a life gain deck for a friend, and another friend of mine runs the NDE + Worship combo, putting Whispersilk Cloak on someone just so they can't be touched by a person, take all the damage to be reduced to 1 and win next turn.

Then again, that's me, and that's for a casual thing, it doesn't look like you're going for anything tournament wise, so I'm just throwing my comments. :)

Also, if you're going to do token spam, get Glorious Anthem, Marshal's Anthem, Honor Of The Pure, anything to do global +1/+1 buffs (to your creatures only of course!).

Posted 15 September 2010 at 13:50 as a comment on Life of the United


Thank you very much, hoping this deck with get me farther into the tournaments. :)

Sorry for all the questions, I'm sure hoping that it'll work.

Posted 03 June 2010 at 18:24 as a comment on Warp World


I'm assuming since Warp World says that all Creatures, Lands, and Artifacts THEN Enchantments, there's just that small little gap between the two parts to happen, am I correct?

Because after the first part happens, landfall triggers, once the stack is cleaned and it's left with Warp World, then it kills Ob?

Posted 01 June 2010 at 22:24 as a comment on Warp World


With Ob and Rampaging Baloths, I was wondering this question so much, I read that 2 paragraph ruling on Warp World, all permanents (besides enchantments and auras) hit the battlefield at once, does that mean you can spawn a bunch of tokens AND deal a ton of damage? Possibly lethal damage?

Also, would Madrush Cyclops work? Give all your creatures Haste?

Also, with Ob, since he's a legendary, can I get a bit of a ruling on that? Just so I know. :P I'm trying to get every little thing down.

Posted 27 May 2010 at 09:25 as a comment on Warp World


I don't know what else to say, but all I can say is... this deck.. <3

I may net deck it and test it out against friends. :P Hope you don't mind?

Posted 24 May 2010 at 20:40 as a comment on Warp World


Maybe you should concider one other card, Sanguine Bond, if you don't know what it is, it's a black Enchantment, "Whenever you gain life, target opponent loses that much life." Perfect way to kill someone as you gain life. :)

Posted 24 May 2010 at 19:34 as a comment on lifelink


All I can say, Lightning Helix.

Ajani's second effect, without Ajani. :P

Posted 13 May 2010 at 20:20 as a comment on Eldrazi Boros


Two cards I think may come in handy. The Rack, and Scrib Nibblers. :) Think about those, The Rack goes good with the Locust Miser and Gnat Miser as a combo. This deck looks like so much fun. :D

Posted 22 March 2010 at 17:18 as a comment on Extended Rat Deck


Err.. must be, because the deck is already at 72 cards, you want to try and keep your deck at 60 cards, if you go over a little, it's alright.

Posted 14 March 2010 at 04:02 in reply to #56028 on Customization


Also one card I would recomend that goes GREAT with Howl of the Night Pack, is Overrun, I can't tell you how many times I won against my friend, playing Howl of the Night Pack, then Overrun the next turn. Think about adding it. :) I love wolves, only reason why I say that.

Posted 27 February 2010 at 20:36 as a comment on Wolf Green


One card, Overrun. :)

Posted 24 February 2010 at 18:07 as a comment on Causal Wolf token Deck V2
