
5 Decks, 7 Comments, 1 Reputation

Even as is, still better then my first mill deck. So congrats!

Posted 06 August 2012 at 00:01 in reply to #278991 on first mill


Kraken to defend, Phantasm to swing, Crab and most of your other spells to power the phantasm while you mill your opponent.. Switch out the Vapor snag for Vapor Snare to only steal your opponent's creatures while put land in your hand to fuel the crab.Maybe also take out a jace to put in a walking atlas to put two lands down a turn.

Posted 05 August 2012 at 23:56 as a comment on first mill


Geth's Grimore, Nath, and Liliana's Caress to help me and punish them. Sands to use lands to mill further. Locus of mana for pure beat down and/or to store mana for a surprise helix.

Hows that?

Posted 05 August 2012 at 23:30 as a comment on Scribnibbler Mill


I misread it, gonna replace it now

Posted 05 August 2012 at 22:28 in reply to #278972 on Scribnibbler Mill


Swap out the 3 Silver-inlaid daggers with 3 Mind shriekers, you can equip them with the blades and for double the fun.

Posted 05 August 2012 at 22:22 as a comment on Security Duty


Using LitW to protect yourself using your massive stores of land. The two win conditions being Sands of delirium or Liege of the tangle to turn your land stock into a win.Elixir of Immortality as a reset button if needed.

I like the fact thats its pretty much a simple deck to run. I'm sure there is a way to improve it, though seeing as its casual.....

Posted 05 August 2012 at 21:55 as a comment on lost woods


Seems good, using Prototype portal imprinted with either Perilous Myr or Ichor Wellspring for either Damage/ draw power with deck searching by using the forge-master.using another Portal imprinted with lodestone for spell denial. Stoic Rebuttal is always great in a blue artifact deck. The Sculptor, Palladium, and transmuter can be used to trigger metal craft and for a faster game.

Overall, i like it

Posted 05 August 2012 at 21:29 as a comment on Will it suck?
