Discard to Death

by eamikam on 13 August 2010

Main Deck (61 cards)

Instants (4)

Planeswalkers (1)

Land (23)

Sideboard (8 cards)

Creatures (1)

Sorceries (7)

Submit a list of cards below to bulk import them all into your sideboard. Post one card per line using a format like "4x Birds of Paradise" or "1 Blaze", you can even enter just the card name by itself like "Wrath of God" for single cards.

Deck Description


Deck Tags

  • Discard

Deck at a Glance

Social Stats


This deck has been viewed 1,130 times.

Mana Curve

Mana Symbol Occurrence


Card Legality

  • Not Legal in Standard
  • Legal in Modern
  • Legal in Vintage
  • Legal in Legacy

Deck discussion for Discard to Death

The assortment of discard spells here is very impressive... but here's the problem: if you don't draw your Quest for the Nihil Stone, you're going to be swamped with aggro and killed rather quickly. So, there's two different solutions for this: you can either give your deck a bigger badder secondary win condition (just some massive vampire to pwn face or something :P ) OR you can add a tutor so that you can be guaranteed drawing your Queest.... once you get the quest out, you can probably be assured that victory is yours. Neatio idea! GOOD LUCK!!!

Please check out my deck "Bloodthirsty FTW" !!!!

Posted 13 August 2010 at 10:22


I agree with kung-fu elmo...you might get overwhelmed by aggro decks or your enchantments might get stopped by control decks. Adding more creatures would help, especially creatures with an extra ability like deathtouch or flying.

Posted 13 August 2010 at 12:03


To make room for the creatures I would suggest taking out contaminated ground.

Posted 13 August 2010 at 12:03


So swap ground for lets say 2 or 3 vamp nighthawks?

Posted 13 August 2010 at 13:31


Yes, that would be good if you've got them

Posted 13 August 2010 at 21:41


Zalex has deleted this comment.

Posted 12 September 2010 at 22:43
