
6 Decks, 32 Comments, 0 Reputation

Reduce the color to 2 or 3 maybe 4 but thats pushing it and focus on something...... anything ...... either pumping them up or making them hard or impossible to block or something. Ive played against alot of different sliver decks and besides control they all have one weekness.....CHANGELINGS! Look at my Sliver Killer deck to see what I mean.

Posted 22 February 2008 at 16:35 as a comment on sliver mach 1


I am a big Knight fan especially with flanking.....i would add some Knights of the Holy Nimbus. Not only is it a low casting cost creature but it auto regenerates and it also gives you someplace to redirect your damage from the Outrider en-Kors. Riftmarked Knight is another i would consider. Looks like an intersting deck.

Posted 15 February 2008 at 14:28 as a comment on Angel


Well i got a judge ruling on it yesterday and was told it was a triggered ability that can only be played once each time you clash. So i reckon i will be rethinking this deck.! Talk to ya soon Bro.

Posted 13 February 2008 at 14:10 as a comment on Clash and clash again


You are both absolutlely right.....brother what can i say.........sorry!

Posted 12 February 2008 at 22:16 as a comment on Clash and clash again


Well to my understanding unless it specifies you can only do it once you can do it as much as you have mana for.....like my Outrider en-Kors or for that matter flamkin brawler ( Tap 1R Flamkin Brawler gets +1/+0). Ive gotten a judge rule on the Outriders but i will make sure on this one as well. If it doesnt work this way what a waste of a card 5 mana for a 3/1 elemental that might have haste.

Posted 11 February 2008 at 06:03 as a comment on Clash and clash again


Going to old cards huh bro.......i got an old card deck i am itching to try.....all those old en-Kor cards for diverting damage.....maybe we should get a game together! Looks like a good counter/burn deck!

Posted 08 February 2008 at 00:58 as a comment on


I would venture to say my sliver killer deck would make short work of this one.....but it would be fun to watch you battle william with this deck against his slivers!!

Posted 01 February 2008 at 13:42 as a comment on


If your gonna redirect damage ya know Outrider EN-Kor would work awesomely with Stuffy doll!!

Posted 01 February 2008 at 13:41 as a comment on


Nice looking deck.....will work extremely well against slivers.....Similar to my SLIVER KILLER deck......check it out!

Posted 01 February 2008 at 13:39 as a comment on how to use a changling


Good looking deck.....add 4 Crushing Cow Tossers should be unstopable! HaHaHa

Posted 01 February 2008 at 13:36 as a comment on


Seems to run pretty well....you had enuff of those loathable Chronozoa's out to over run me. Unless ya know a way to speed it up a bit more that i dont. Without changing or adding colors.

Posted 31 January 2008 at 22:29 as a comment on


I would think of finding a way to add some Shivian Meteors!!! 13 damage for 5 mana!!

Posted 30 January 2008 at 01:46 as a comment on oww stuffy save me


There we go i rethought this deck a little .....and i agree the faireies wernt helping....this should be alot less fragile and be more effective......tell me what ya think!!

Posted 26 January 2008 at 19:05 as a comment on Controlled Bounce


Sure its right and boy does it work.....ive played his sliver deck twice with it.....both games were real close but i won both. originally went with b/r/w/b/g but it was way to mana sensitive so i went with this!

Posted 26 January 2008 at 16:28 as a comment on Sliver Killer


Looks interesting.....not sure on the creature count 11 aint many and if your up against a creature destrucion deck you might be in trouble.....anxious to try this one out.....we need to get in some game time bro.

Posted 25 January 2008 at 23:40 as a comment on


Looking pretty good bro .......hive stones not a bad idea..... but even if ya dont do that id think of swaping # on the traumatize and mill stones to 2 and 2......would love to see how this plays against my Mono black Mortivore deck.

Posted 23 January 2008 at 04:56 as a comment on


I would try to find a way to add Life and Limb.....not only will it give you extra saps in your lands but gives you more land in your saps. Maybe for a couple of Herd Gnars......otherwise looks pretty effective.

Posted 17 January 2008 at 14:27 as a comment on The future of Saps


I think he means Spellbook.....prolly would help this deck......but i dont know what ya might replace ......solid looking deck!!

Posted 10 January 2008 at 23:49 as a comment on


Looking good bro....ill have to agree Dolmens gate would help....And since your going with the Cenns Heir And Militias Pride I would go with 4 Militias Pride. And drop the Hail of arrows. And maybe drop 2 Surge of Thoughtweft and add 2 Dolmens gates. Looking forward to playing this one......My No sacrifice no victory deck would be a good match up.

Posted 07 January 2008 at 18:54 as a comment on


Thanks for all the input. I have made a few alterations and added some of the suggetions above on this deck and will post it soon. Thanks again.

Posted 06 January 2008 at 21:29 as a comment on The Untouchable


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