
149 Decks, 152 Comments, 36 Reputation

He loves flowers, yoga, and UNSTOPPABLE HORDES OF RAVENOUS GOBLINS. Thus is the struggle within NW...

Posted 02 October 2014 at 19:38 in reply to #508109 on Budget Decks: Healin' Feelin'


True, he's at $5.40 right now mid priced, so that could be difficult... for mere mortals...

Not for a Lord of War of the North, though!

Posted 02 October 2014 at 19:32 in reply to #508109 on Budget Decks: Healin' Feelin'


Love it. Actually, now that I get to thinking about it, a budget series with each of the 6 souls would be really interesting...

Posted 02 October 2014 at 19:24 in reply to #508109 on Budget Decks: Healin' Feelin'


Misread chastise- thought it said controller. My bad, brah!

Soul of Theros might be a fun end-game bomb. He is usually a game-ender in my eight-and-a-half tails EDH. Lifelink and +2/+2 on each creature means CRAZY life gain.

Posted 02 October 2014 at 19:17 in reply to #508109 on Budget Decks: Healin' Feelin'


One quick question: why chastise and not condemn?

I remember cheap deck days, building a deck super similar to this with voracious worm at the core. Such a fun deck!

Posted 02 October 2014 at 19:05 as a comment on Budget Decks: Healin' Feelin'


I love vampire hexmage so much. Planeswalker killer, extraordinaire. Can be great with the undying/persist creatures too, for getting in an extra round of death and destruction!

To that tune, you're pretty vulnerable to board wipe. What do you think of adding a couple phyrexian reclamations to get those dead boys back into the action?

Posted 16 September 2014 at 14:42 as a comment on Friday Budget: Black Beater


Helping a buddy build a Brago deck, and thought this was a pretty great starting point!

A couple things to note-
Fieldmist borderpost doesn't benefit from the blink as it enters tapped, maybe Fellwar stone instead? When funding occurs, the obvious grim monolith, sol ring, basalt monolith etc. mana rocks will help.
Vanishing is a great means of protecting brago from removal.
Kor Sanctifiers can only activate it's ETB when cast, so blinking won't trigger ability. My buddy is using spine of ish sah, and it can wreck, as well as exclusion ritual (perfect for commanders). Act of authority is another good option, just don't trigger it's ability at the beginning of your upkeep.
Auratouched mage is a great cheap means of searching for your unblockable abilities- you can cast it, enchant him, then blink both of them- attach the aura to whichever creature you want and grab another. Easy means of pulling out pacifism, aqueous form, etc.
Mistmeadow or deadeye + Fiendhunter= crazy creature exiling. If you know this trick, awesome, and if not here goes my best explanation:

Fiend hunter has 2 abilities, one when he enters and one when he leaves. When he enters, his ability to exile a creature goes on the stack. At this point, use deadeye to blink him BEFORE that ability resolves. He then leaves, his LTB triggers, and he comes back- adding another ETB trigger. Target a different creature.
The 2nd creature gets exiled and will return when fiend leaves. The first targeted creature will be gone for good. This is because his LTB resolves BEFORE the creature gets exiled, and thus has nothing to return. Then the first ETB resolves, exiling the creature.

You can do this as many times as you can blink Fiend hunter at instant speed. For the slightly more expensive version of fiend hunter, try angel of serenity. Duplicant is another solid option, though more expensive.

You have a great deck here, man! Maybe consider a few more game-ending threats to include (like mirror entity), as you will be very susceptible to board wipes and will want to hit hard while you can.

Posted 15 September 2014 at 17:05 as a comment on [EDH] Brago's Realm


Yo, dawg, I heard you like to murder things with black. How's about, instead of grasp of darkness, you run victim of night? Get crazy and splurge that extra .24 cents, yo.

(Ok, don't actually do it because I love the price staying at $6. But Victim of night is totally an amazingly cheap mono black spot murdering machine.)

Posted 25 August 2014 at 21:42 as a comment on Budget Decks: 6$ Challenge


...The coffee kicked in, and i realized I meant an EDH POD- a group of 4 people playing EDH decks in 1 multiplayer game. Was playing against a Derevi, an Oloro, and a Xenagos (which, if you haven't seen a Xenagos in full force, he can get super mean SUPER quickly).

Posted 21 August 2014 at 16:05 in reply to #494851 on sliver overlord edh


Made some general repairs to this deck, and was able to trade into a sliver queen! Added more great cards, and after playing it last night with an EDH cube I can safely say this deck can hold it's own against most decks out there. Man, dem slivers be sooo fun!

Posted 20 August 2014 at 19:16 in reply to #494851 on sliver overlord edh


Then hit him with a madcap skills and turn three 8 damage? yowsa!

Posted 18 August 2014 at 21:00 in reply to #493804 on Artification


Yeah, and for good reason. Woof, once it hits the battlefield you gotta board wipe ASAP.

Posted 15 August 2014 at 16:12 in reply to #494421 on sliver overlord edh


Yeah, that combo goes infinite WAYYYY too easily. Throw down a heart sliver and adios muchachos!

Posted 15 August 2014 at 16:10 in reply to #494851 on sliver overlord edh


It's a definite wish list card, price tag being the only deterrent.

Posted 13 August 2014 at 20:43 in reply to #494421 on sliver overlord edh


Just finished throwing together my first pass at sliver domination! You can check it here:
Definitely doesn't have your price tag on the cost, but I have yet to run into mana troubles after 4 rounds of play thus far (won 3 of the 4, too!).

A few of the cards I LOVE in the deck are:
mana echoes. With sliver queen, you instantly go infinite on creatures and mana.
wild pair. Send out galerider for one blue, get mirror entity as well, and use remaining mana to swing huge flying creatures at them!
Synapse sliver + shifting sliver = super card advantage.

There are many other fun fun things, and these decks give you such versatility to manage any cards your opponents bring out. Feel free to let me know your thoughts on my version!

Posted 13 August 2014 at 20:37 in reply to #492311 on Sliver OverLord EDH


He's steep on the CMC, but I've always loved charmbreaker devils in a good ole' dodge and burn deck. brings back an instant/sorcery at random from your graveyard every turn.

On the other side of the u/r, I just built a standard legal ARTIFACT deck. A little higher priced than your decks, but easily converted into a budget! Check her out: http://www.mtgvault.com/eljefe/decks/artification/

Posted 11 August 2014 at 22:38 as a comment on Budget Decks: Stormbolts


Building one of these right now. Super excited about including some of the new slivers as well!

A few ideas for consideration:

Amoebid changeling, unnatural selection. Combo those with your commander's 2nd ability and steal their creatures all day long.

Training ground: cost to tutor or steal becomes 1. all other abilities by slivers will cost no more than 1. Dominate the board, induce despair.

Cryptic gateway: use your mana to tutor via overlord, use your slivers to play them!

Cultivate, spoils of victory, sylvan scrying, etc. 5 color can run into the ground quickly if you rely on nonland permanents to generate the missing colors you need in 5 color- any opponent with any sanity will blow up the chromatic lantern at earliest opportunity. Searching out and playing the lands that generate the mana you need can really help.

All the beautiful tutors: Snagging a ward sliver to shut down a mono colored edh deck can give you a distinct advantage, and luckily your commander can search for that. But what about when they've plum got you overrun? Having demonic and mystical tutor in hand can grab you the necessary cyclonic rift to blow up their board as you set up your defenses.

Just some ideas, though. Looks like a lot of fun- really wish I had some of those high-end slivers for my cheaper deck!

Posted 07 August 2014 at 21:46 as a comment on Sliver OverLord EDH


going infinite is cool and all, but it does take a lot of the fun out of the game. Especially in EDH. Most of the time, you're there just have a good time, and blowing up the board and ending the game on turn 5 really is a waste of time. I learned that lesson after winning the game on turn 5 with a krenko infinite combo.

Posted 06 August 2014 at 14:41 in reply to #491378 on Varolz EDH


This deck is hilarious(ly good). I can just imagine the number of tables that would fly were I to bring a deck of this sort to my local FNM.

Posted 05 August 2014 at 22:14 as a comment on Control is Blue, right?!


Yeah, dreadnaught is so good! I have played against a guy who used him and Jarad- while dreadnaught's ability was on the stack, he sacced him to jarad, dealt out 15 damage to each player, then brought him right back with reclamation. needless to say, it made for a VERY quick game.

Posted 05 August 2014 at 22:01 in reply to #491366 on Varolz EDH


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