
8 Decks, 6 Comments, 1 Reputation

Hello! So, I just played a deck VERY similar to this one at a FNM standard tournament tonight and placed 4th out of 57, probably not huge to some places but oh well. I just came on here after and looked to see if there were any other decks like mine, haha.

Here's the link http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=313404

You should check it out because I had a pretty nifty sideboard plan that had some pretty good white board-out, black board-in answers to certain bad match-ups like black zombies, control, mirror, and unburial rites shenanigans (which was my only loss in the 5th and final round [FUCK YOU ANGEL OF SERENITY]). Still think it could use some improvement, but it did pretty well. Don't want to get into specifics seeing as you probably don't want to read 14 paragraphs.

So yeah, it's cool we brewed a similar deck and I saw you said you needed sideboard help.

Posted 20 October 2012 at 10:20 as a comment on B/W Tokens


Thanks for the comment!

The way I see it is I'm sitting on my pot fogging and misting until I finally DO attack (with or without Flayer or Surge out) and the pyreheart will cause either a lot of damage to their field or a lot of damage will get through and I can just attack again next turn. I do agree the cost is a lot but he makes a good chump-blocker at times.

I like the hunger of the howlpack idea though, accelerating predator ooze's counters would be nice..

Also, the gnaw to the bone is a good idea as well. I'll probably throw that in the sideboard because I sholdn't need too much lifegain in the end, unless I'm going against a burn deck.

Posted 26 March 2012 at 06:51 in reply to #243620 on G/R Undying


Like a Ravenous Demon? That taps for double Black and it's a 5 cost, not to mention I'd hate for him to do 9 damage to me in a tourney because of a well timed removal spell.

Posted 22 March 2012 at 22:06 as a comment on W/B Humans/Tokens


This deck (or basically the same variation as this one) in action is very, very scary. Though the way my friend played it wasn't very aggressive, e.g. he was using his wolf runs for mana instead of attacking as much as he can while he still has a mana ramp-ed primeval titan out.

Posted 01 December 2011 at 06:23 as a comment on [T2] Kessig Wolf run


Tutors maybe?

Posted 01 December 2011 at 06:16 as a comment on Can't stop?
