Thanks for the suggestions!Ive thought about both of those cards for this deck before, but Matrix is just more expensive than my other means of creating myrs. And Servitor is nice, but my deck already makes fodder with tokens. Not sure if I really need 1 drops cause i have mana creatures and a ton of card draw.
I'm new here, so im hoping to get feedback on a couple decks Ive been tinkering with.They are not standard, just decks for fun really.Firstly, Iva had a life drain deck for some time. Im always looking for ways to make it better, and this is a build I made from scratch.> <Second is a sort of hybrid deck that im not really sure works yet, but I could use some feedback.> <
Some burn spells may give more early offense and justify having guttersnipe.Also, Young Pyromancer may give you a little more survivability.