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New in standard // Help with my deck ?!

Hy all.

I started to play standard games at Ixalan. The deck i liked to play was Fly pirates (UB) with a full set of Favorable Winds.

Then with RIX update i I decided to make it grixis and removed Favorable Winds for more creatures.

Sometimes it works well, sometimes its like miss something.

Someone have some tips on this list to improve or play better? I would be very grateful!

Posted 05 March 2018 at 11:42


with the new sets specifically GRN what I would recommend is going to straight UB, the hand hate in it is strong and lets you play a low curve. Siren stormtamer is a great piece as is dive down (similar to the mono blue list). Dream caller siren and hostage taker can be great low cost additions. Curious obession is a must have as well, then you can also dip into black for your primary removal. I like spell pierce a lot right now as well in those colors.
Posted 17 October 2018 at 00:56
