Discussion Forum

Increment and decrement cards in deck and sideboard


I am a programmer and would be happy to help with this.

I often want to tweak the number of cards in a deck (like going from 2 to 3 to 4 etc.). It is very annoying to have to remove and add the card. There should be a little up arrow and down arrow that lets me increment and decrement the card. This would be especially helpful for experimenting with how many cards to include from the sideboard.

Posted 12 June 2022 at 18:52


Unfortunately trolls can abuse this idea.

By creating a list of commonly used cards they would be able to scale that list up and down, creating a spam deck within seconds by copying a core list and then changing it almost at random.

This is why we often see decklists with 2 or more sol rings rather frequent.

I use a similar method of generating my own "halfdecks"

Search for the decktag halfdeck
To get an idea of how productive a troll could become with such a feature, then multiply my work with 20 and you get the idea of how damaging it would be.
Posted 12 June 2022 at 23:44
