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ok heres a complex question(maybe)

ok heres the set up, on my feild i have Vedalken Orrery and in my hand i have phrexian dreadnaught, and i cast mindslaver, can i play phrexian dreadnaught during their turn, which i control and use my opponents creatures as sacrafices?
Posted 11 March 2010 at 19:59


The Oracle text specifies that YOU must sacrifice the creatures. You control the other player's turn, but he is still himself and you are still you. So no, I don't think so.

You should still be able to cast whatever you want thanks to vedalken orrery, you just also control his portion of the turn as well.
Posted 11 March 2010 at 23:33


well it says "...comes into play, sacrafice any number of creatures with total power..." so it wouldnt work because you can force them to sacrafice?

it doesnt say sacrafice any amount of creatures you control, it just says sacrafice
Posted 11 March 2010 at 23:44


You aren't listening, it doesn't say that, the official oracle text says:

"When Phyrexian Dreadnought enters the battlefield, sacrifice it unless you sacrifice any number of creatures with total power 12 or greater."

YOU must sacrifice creatures. Mindslaver does not work that way. See all it's rulings Here. Especially relevant:

"12/1/2004: You get to make every decision the other player would have made during that turn. You can't make any illegal decisions or illegal choices -- you can't do anything that player couldn't do. You can spend mana in the player's mana pool only on that player's spells and abilities. The mana in your mana pool can be spent only on your spells and abilities."

You can't do anything that player could not ordinarily do. He could not sacrifice his creatures to pay for your phyrexian dreadnought, neither can you.
Posted 11 March 2010 at 23:54


no i understand what you said in the 1st post, and that makes the most sense, but the version i saw didnt say "you" on it

link to picture
Posted 12 March 2010 at 00:03


OH I get it. Okay here's the trick with that, there's card text and oracle text. A lot of older cards are, frankly, just not worded so well. They're confusing, ambiguous, or don't use the terms that we have now (or use obsolete terms). Oracle text is where Wizards went and looked at all the old cards and rewrote the wording as though it were printed today, so it's clear and uses modern terminology.

So for example Oona says to "remove from the game" but the Oracle text says to "exile" cards. There's also clarifications with cards like Mana Flare that can be a little ambiguous in some situations.

That's why even though the old lightning bolts say "Lightning Bolt does 3 damage to one target" they are treated as though they say "Lightning Bolt does 3 damage to target creature or player".
Posted 12 March 2010 at 00:49


oh ok thanks that cleared alot up for me
Posted 12 March 2010 at 00:56


Oh, and to further clarify, the only person who can sacrifice a creature is that creature's controller. Since you control the Dreadnought (and hence the triggered ability on it) you have to sacrifice it, not the player who's got the turn. Just because you control their turn doesn't mean it is not their turn (ewww, double negative)
Posted 12 March 2010 at 20:59


[QUOTE=Shadowex3]You aren't listening, it doesn't say that, the official oracle text says:

"When Phyrexian Dreadnought enters the battlefield, sacrifice it unless you sacrifice any number of creatures with total power 12 or greater."

YOU must sacrifice creatures. Mindslaver does not work that way. See all it's rulings http://magiccards.info/autocard.php?card=mindslaver Here. Especially relevant:

"12/1/2004: You get to make every decision the other player would have made during that turn. You can't make any illegal decisions or illegal choices -- you can't do anything that player couldn't do. You can spend mana in the player's mana pool only on that player's spells and abilities. The mana in your mana pool can be spent only on your spells and abilities."

You can't do anything that player could not ordinarily do. He could not sacrifice his creatures to pay for your phyrexian dreadnought, neither can you.[/QUOTE]

big point on this, because i am a stickler on this point. mindslaver only lets you make their decisions, this means you aren't supposed to draw for them or even touch their cards.
Posted 19 March 2010 at 21:40
