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Ok Abilty Question

Ok Here goes.
Me and my older brother were playing magic. I attacked with my nova blast wurm. He has only one vampire creature that has deathtouch. The Novablast wurm says "Whenever novablast Wurm attcks destroy all other creatures" He said that my guy died since he has a guy with deathtouch. but shouldn't his creatures die once i attack..Thus They cant defend and use deathtouch..?
Posted 26 March 2010 at 17:27


Wizards ruled that Novablast Wurm's ability destroys all creatures, friend or foe, when it is declared as an attacker. That's before the defenders are declared so yes his dude is dead before he's even declared as a defender.
Posted 26 March 2010 at 23:46


i think your bro just doesn't like to lose against you... i.e. a sore loser
Posted 30 March 2010 at 13:51


[QUOTE=Shadowex3]Wizards ruled that Novablast Wurm's ability destroys all creatures, friend or foe, when it is declared as an attacker. That's before the defenders are declared so yes his dude is dead before he's even declared as a defender.[/QUOTE]

Exactly right. Now, you should use Dauntless Escort with your Novablast Wurm to piss your brother off even more.
Posted 30 March 2010 at 14:26
