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Help With Crosis/Thralls Combo

Ok, so I felt like making a :manau::manab::manar: deck and I came across two cards that would be great together... if I knew if it would work or not. The cards in question are: Crosis, The Purger and Prince of Thralls

What I want to know is if the cards that Crosis makes my opponent discard are counted by Prince of Thralls ability.

Here's my deck with this combo:

Help would be greatly appreciated.
Posted 31 March 2010 at 04:45


Um.... i believe when it says "an opponent controls" means that the card has to be in play. Because i don't control, a creature when it is in my hand. Now if it said permanent from anywhere, then yes.
Posted 31 March 2010 at 05:07


[QUOTE=Danokozmo]Um.... i believe when it says "an opponent controls" means that the card has to be in play. Because i don't control, a creature when it is in my hand. Now if it said permanent from anywhere, then yes.[/QUOTE]

Yes, the cards would have to be in play for Prince of Thrall's effect to take place.
Posted 31 March 2010 at 14:06


[QUOTE=Danokozmo]Um.... i believe when it says "an opponent controls" means that the card has to be in play. Because i don't control, a creature when it is in my hand. Now if it said permanent from anywhere, then yes.[/QUOTE]

permanent would pose the same problem as a card in your hand is not a permanent either.
Posted 31 March 2010 at 17:46
