Discussion Forum

Search For Tomorrow + Wurms Tooth?

Just wondering about when search for tomorrow is suspended, with wurms tooth in play do you gain your life from the green spell when it is suspended or after the suspend is up?
Posted 04 May 2010 at 00:28


it would be AFTER the final suspend counter is removed

suspend reads that once all counters are removed "CAST this spell without paying it's mana cost"

the other card states "whenever a player CASTS a green spell..."

so there would be a delay yes...
Posted 04 May 2010 at 05:31


Thanks alot, that's how we worked it but we werent sure because search for tomorrow says "when you remove the last counter, Play it without paying its mana cost" so we weren't sure when it was "cast"
Posted 04 May 2010 at 19:04


[QUOTE=Noobishwarrior]Thanks alot, that's how we worked it but we werent sure because search for tomorrow says "when you remove the last counter, Play it without paying its mana cost" so we weren't sure when it was "cast"[/QUOTE]

does the actual card say "play" and NOT "cast"?

I'm not sure what comes on the actual card and what is the errata

the outcome should be the same either way though
Posted 04 May 2010 at 21:20


yeah the card actually says play, thats why i was baffled
Posted 04 May 2010 at 23:26


However, the errata says cast. The m10 verbage does make things a little confusing, but most of the time you can convert play into cast and be alright. Check gatherer or oracle to be sure.
Posted 05 May 2010 at 12:17


Oracle says Cast, so it counts as actually casting it just without needing to pay anything.
Posted 05 May 2010 at 15:11


Yup. It's why Jhoira of the Ghitu is being looked at for cheating out the legendary Eldrazi. Suspend casts!
Posted 05 May 2010 at 15:13


Oh my god just imagine what that could do for a cascade deck once you've got a few Maelstrom Nexuses out. Talk about a ticking timebomb...
Posted 06 May 2010 at 05:23
