Discussion Forum

Double Negative

I came upon this card and I had to question..... how is this card useful? Double Negative reads Counter up to two spells... now isn't a counterspell played in response to another undesired spell being cast, how can it counter two spells at the same time?
Posted 14 May 2010 at 16:34


sometimes there's more than one spell on the stack at a given time, especially in multiplayer games.
Posted 14 May 2010 at 17:16


ah.... I see, guess I was thinking 2 player games....
Posted 14 May 2010 at 18:02


i thought that after one spell goes on the stack then that player plays another spell the first one resolves and you cant counter both of them
Posted 14 May 2010 at 18:02


ex: player A has a 1/1 creature
player B casts Disfigure on it, Disfigure is now on the stack.
player A responds by casting a Giant's Growth on the creature to keep it alive

(the stack is now Disfigure on the bottom and Giant's Growth on top of it)

player B responds to the Giant's Growth with a second Disfigure.

(the stack is now from bottom to top: Disfigure, Giant's Growth, Disfigure)

player A responds to the second Disfigure by casting Double Negative, targeting the two Disfigures currently in the stack.

(the stack is now from bottom to top: Disfigure, Giant's Growth, Disfigure, Double Negative)

player B does not respond, the stack now resolves:

Double Negative resolves, countering both Disfigures and removing them from the stack, then Giant's Growth resolves, leaving the creature a 4/4 until end of turn.
Posted 14 May 2010 at 18:33


the card was printed in response to the cascade mechanic.

Player A casts bloodbraid elf and cascades into Lightning Bolt

Lightning bolt goes on the stack
Bloodbraid Elf goes on the stack

Player A passes priority

Player B playes double negative targetting both Lighting Bolt and Bloodbraid
Player B passes priority

stack resolves, both spells are countered
Posted 17 May 2010 at 08:43
