Discussion Forum


Unearth states "Remove it from the game at end of turn or if it would leave play". After returning a Drescape Zombie to play during my 1st main phase (before combat), I target the Dregscape Zombie with Unsommon (Instant). When the Unsommon's effect resolves where does Dregscape Zombie end up?
Does it make it into my hand and forget its previous states during the turn (is treated as a card as if drawn from my deck into my hand) or does its effect trigger anyway even though Unsommon's effect is resolving and there is recognition that the card has left the field of play (has left play) before it reaches my hand in theory and is wooshed out of the game? Also is its rule considered a triggered effect or how is it classified by the DCI?
Also is it true, that when cards are designed each has notes to clarify any ambiguous rules since only so much can be typed on a card and Wizard's keeps this information from the public? (Kind of like a legislature passing a bill to become law, but a Librarian maintains notes to explain the purpose/intent of a law incase there is persons who want to misapply a law later for other than its intended purpose, i.e. do to a loop hole, etc.) Has DCI/Wizards ever released any of these notes to help interpret a card to prevent a Judge's ruling at a major event from altering the intent of a cards effect on the game - to reverse a ruling?
Note: the second question is general and does not relate to Dregscape zombie, except by coincidence.
Posted 30 May 2010 at 22:45


when the Unsummon resolves, the zombie would leave play(returning to your hand). the Unearth effect replaces this, removing the card from the game instead of putting it back in your hand.

the Oracle rulings(ie:the rule notes you mention) are available through a few card database. one of the more popular ones is magiccards.info, when you view a card all the associated rulings are attached.

ex: http://magiccards.info/ala/en/68.html
Posted 30 May 2010 at 23:19


Leaving the battlefield is termed as moving the object from the battlefield to anywhere else, so Unsummon would still set off the replacement effect set up by the Unearth ability. (it isn't a triggered ability, but a replacement effect set up by an activated ability)

This second paragraph's a little more difficult, but I'll give it my best. When cards are put through Development, after Design, that's where the intricacies of their rules text are hammered in. During that time stuff for the FAQ for the set is figured out. Oracle updates and notes, like you see for Unearth, aren't put onto the website until the set has been released and played with for a few months. I don't know of any specific case where Oracle rulings have been made to overturn a judge's ruling, but Oracle is used to clear up some confusing situations.

Edit: Right at the same time, wow.
Posted 30 May 2010 at 23:19
