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Enters the Battlefield.

If a card like Sun Titan or w/e has an "enter the battlefield" ability does that ability go into the stack? Would I be able to Path to Exile such a card b4 the ability procs?
Posted 17 June 2010 at 03:21


The triggered ability goes on the stack once the creature enters the battlefield, You can path in response which would result in the creature being removed before the triggered ability resolves but it would still resolve. Only something like stifle or trickbind or voidslime can negate the triggered ability.

In case of Sundering Titan the following happens

Sundering Titem comes into play
Triggered ability that destroys land goes on the stack
You play path to exile which goes on the stack targetting Sundering titan
path resolves
sundering titan leave play triggered ability goes on the stack
The controller of Sundering Titan searches his library for a basic land and puts in into play

the stack now looks like this

- choose a land of each basic land type, then destroy those lands.
- choose a land of each basic land type, then destroy those lands.

stack resolves

a shitload of land gets smached

you could always ask people not to play Sundering Titan for the sake of keeping it fun :)
Posted 17 June 2010 at 07:05


Short answer: It goes on the stack, and by the time you CAN path it the ability will already have triggered.

The only way to deal with this is a counter-spell. Either you counter the Titan itself so that it never enters the battlefield and its ability isn't triggered, or you counter its triggered ability when it goes on the stack.
Posted 17 June 2010 at 07:35


[QUOTE=Shadowex3]Short answer: It goes on the stack, and by the time you CAN path it the ability will already have triggered.[/QUOTE]

that is incorrect, you can path in response to the triggered ability and then the path resolves before the triggered ability. On a creature like realm reazor or the likes that makes all the difference
Posted 17 June 2010 at 07:51


[QUOTE=Seth]that is incorrect, you can path in response to the triggered ability and then the path resolves before the triggered ability. On a creature like realm reazor or the likes that makes all the difference[/QUOTE]

impossible, sundering titan must enter the battlefield for the ability to trigger. In order to path him he must be a valid target. Thus in order for you to path him in response to his ability he must have entered the battlefield and the ability must already be on the stack.

If you want to talk about other creatures or abilities then things will be different naturally, but the only way to deal with THIS is by countering sundering titan before he "enters the battlefield" or by countering the ability.

There's got to be some kind of miscommunication here because I know you know the game well enough not to claim what it sounds like you just claimed.
Posted 17 June 2010 at 08:00


[QUOTE=Shadowex3]impossible, sundering titan must enter the battlefield for the ability to trigger. In order to path him he must be a valid target. Thus in order for you to path him in response to his ability he must have entered the battlefield and the ability must already be on the stack.

If you want to talk about other creatures or abilities then things will be different naturally, but the only way to deal with THIS is by countering sundering titan before he "enters the battlefield" or by countering the ability.

There's got to be some kind of miscommunication here because I know you know the game well enough not to claim what it sounds like you just claimed.[/QUOTE]

Yes you misunderstood me, what I said was you can path in response to the come in play ability which means the path resolves before the come in play ability resolves. The Titans ability will still resolve, I'm not debating that. As you said either counterspell or a stifle like effect is the only way to prevent the Titans ability from destroying land.
The way you formulate it however you claim you cannot path before the land destruction ability has already resolved, this is incorrect.
In case of sundering Titan it doesn't really make all that much of a difference but lets say someone casts Realm razer, the remove all land from the game trigger goes on the stack and I path realm razer. That results in the land never comming back, realm razer second ability triggers while it's first ability is still waiting on the stack, in such a case it's very important when exactly you play path.
Posted 17 June 2010 at 08:27


Ok I get it now. When I said "triggered" I meant that literally, as in triggered and not resolved. You can't path an "enters the battlefield" ability creature before the ability triggers, but you can do it before it resolves.
Posted 17 June 2010 at 09:00


[QUOTE=Shadowex3]Ok I get it now. When I said "triggered" I meant that literally, as in triggered and not resolved. You can't path an "enters the battlefield" ability creature before the ability triggers, but you can do it before it resolves.[/QUOTE]

hehe, you've got to love magic :) (try explaining this to my girlfriend)
Posted 17 June 2010 at 09:23
