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Deck Challenge: T2 Merfolk

Legacy Merfolk are one of my favorite competitive T1.5 decks because it's effective, relatively cheap, and fun to play. Unfortunately, there hasn't been competitive standard Merfolk since Lorwyn block, because Zendikar block just hasn't printed that many of them. However, it has printed some really cool merfolk: Lullmage Mentor is very cool and, in extended and legacy, his counter ability comes into play often (although in legacy there are better options for three drops), and Coralhelm Commander is powerful in any deck using merfolk.
So here's the challenge: Make a reasonably effective T2 Merfolk deck. There wont be a winner per se, but my buddy and I will team up and make a final deck after considering all of yours, and then I'll run it at FNM and tell you how I did. If you don't want to make a whole deck but have some good ideas, then you can just post those. If you do make a deck, try to run it through some sample hands to make sure it's workable before posting it.
Make the Merfolk proud.
Posted 30 June 2010 at 21:40


well with the lullmage and a kicked right of replication you could stop your opponent from playing any spells and you would gain an army of 1/1s
Posted 30 June 2010 at 21:57


Well here is my version of a type 2 merfolk deck.
It is based on milling your opponent and copying your creatures.


Posted 30 June 2010 at 22:10


pretty basic:
Deck link: http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=72573
Posted 30 June 2010 at 22:52


http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=72761 pretty strait forward
Posted 01 July 2010 at 17:29


Deck link: http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=61222

enjoy :)
Posted 01 July 2010 at 19:02


Tbw1057's deck seemed the most solid. However, I think spell pierce was out of place.

4GGR0, your deck was also really solid; I'll splash white for some of the goodies you included.

Heliosofcows, I really like the synergy between Thada Adel and cosi's trickster. I'll definitely use that. Also, congrats on actually using a sideboard. Mindbreak trap is definitely sidboard material. Take that, 3-card cascade chains!!!

Hellreaver, I won't be using mill, but I will be using Rite of Replication (Berkner also offered that idea). To reach that much mana I'll be using Everflowing Chalice.

I'll post the deck later, I'm still working on some finishing touches. Also, does anyone mind if I throw Jace in there? I play competitively and have 3, but if you want I'll leave them out so the deck could be more affordable.
Posted 01 July 2010 at 22:48


I suggested the idea mill because that is what I think merolk decks are based around, but I never made a merfolk deck so my deck was just a guess to what a T2 merfolk deck would be like.
Posted 02 July 2010 at 06:05


Here's the deck: T2 Merfolk!!!
I might tweak it as is necessary as I playtest it. I left the Jaces out, btw, because they really didn't fit all that much.
Posted 02 July 2010 at 20:49


I've been away from MTG for about 4 years, and this site is great for getting familiar with the new sets. Here's my attempt at a Merkfolk deck. The synergy between Cosi's and Thada Adel would be SICK if she wasn't a legend. That said check it out and let me know what u guys think.

Posted 04 July 2010 at 18:01
