Discussion Forum

All Colour Domination

:manag::manaw::manab::manau::manar:Hi! This is a competition (obviously) that is based around all colours. After being completley geeky and nerdy, I was thinking about some of the more powerful mythic rares (in my opinion): Progenitus; Maelstrom Archangel; Dragon BroodMother e.t.c. So, I was hoping that the combined might of the finest minds of all of the people who play Magic could come up with an ultimate deck. It can be ANY legality, from T2 to vintage, and should include at leastone creature that is multi coloured. The more colours a deck has, and the more fun it is to play with, the better. I do like the idea of a proginitus on turn 3... (or 4 or 5...). As i am largely a casual player, i would love to be able to actually completley screw my opponents decks. Possibly the most annoying deck is a gelectrode deck...
Anyway, please enter, as i do think that this could have potential. Consider elvish piper, deathrender e.t.c. Enjoy!:manag::manaw::manab::manau::manar:
Posted 09 July 2010 at 20:02


Please click on this link to go to my deck. I would love advice on how to mak cheaper. Thanks! http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=74631
Posted 09 July 2010 at 20:18


Posted 09 July 2010 at 21:00


one of my favorite multi color cards is Coalition Victory.
I dont have the full deck list but my friend has a neat one.
Uses a bunch of those 'mages' that are 'dual colored' and some lands/fetch lands. Also that golem that counts for all colors.
Posted 10 July 2010 at 07:39


this is a deck me and my friend have put together over awhile, he plays this deck a lot and it frequently stomps in our faces, saw this challenge and thought it would be the perfect place to post it

Posted 10 July 2010 at 20:23
