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Looking for a mono blue deck.
Specifically not merfolks or wizards.

Some can be included but I was trying to sway from it. Can have things like Counterspell or boomerang Some wizards or merfolks but not 100% them.

The thing is I don't play blue very much.
I can think of a few decks for mono :manar::manaw::manab::manag: But not reallly blue that isn't merfolk at least.

I kinda like artifacts + blue but that kinda falls in the colorless/blue deck 'dual color deck' So try and make it :manau:
Posted 10 July 2010 at 07:36


This deck is a blue artifact deck I made a while ago, but all the artifacts require blue mana to play, so it shouldn't count as a (as you say) "colorless/blue deck 'dual color".


This deck is also currently standard (Type 2) legal (to my knowlege), but only untill the 1st October.
Posted 10 July 2010 at 07:58


A while ago, just for the hell of it, I built a deck that puts out lots of efficient creatures with the help of mana rituals, then backs it up with some burn. This deck was mono-blue. No, really.


Dunno if that's the kind of thing you're looking for, but you might find it interesting. (And it's not just a lame version of Red Deck Wins; being blue gives it access to countermagic and makes its efficient creatures flying, both of which it uses extensively.) I don't know how long it's been since I've updated it, as the newest card is from Shadowmoor. You might want to check and see if anything that would work well in it has been printed in the last few sets.

It also contains a card that was last printed in Fallen Empires, so it's definitely for casual play only.

Best of all, it's 100% certified Merfolk-free! (There are, however, two Wizards.)
Posted 13 July 2010 at 23:17


good job guys I am loving both decks! :) @ JD one is a merfolk wizard but I can't complain. Good to see lots of counterspells and a nice take on the challenge. @ Ded, really neat concept Artifacts are something not a lot of people play :) Really nice job on the mono blue aspect. TY and keep them coming!
Posted 14 July 2010 at 13:30
