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Entering Battlefield Abilities + Mirrorweave + Rite of Replication

Here's a few questions in regards to the deck I've just recently built (both with tangible cards and on MTG Vault in my sig)

If I have say, for example Halimar Excavator in play, and cast Rite of Replication with the kicker cost on it, and cast Mirrorweave after the Rite of Replication...

I assume that casting the Rite of Replication on something such as Oran-Rief Survivalist would still create the tokens in play as copies of the Oran-Rief.

Also, in this same idea of situation:

Cast Rite of Replication on Halimar Excavator followed by a Mirrorweave on an Oran-Rief Survivalist I assume that the tokens would still be Halimar Excavators, still giving the milling capacity I would like with this deck.

On the same note: Would the creatures that were originally not Oran-Rief Survivalist keep the +1/+1 counters that were applied during this?

Any insight would be wonderful! Thanks in advance
Posted 14 July 2010 at 00:04


Maybe it's just be but your post is breaking my head for some reason which is wierd because I'm normally good at understanding this sort of thing.

That being said here's my best guess at answering what might be your question: Right of Replication copies a creature and puts the token(s) into play, mirrorweave makes everything else become a clone of a creature for a given turn, and the Excavator's abilities are when it or another ally enters the field. What you want to do is cast right of replication then mirrorweave so mirrorweave happens first then you get 5 tokens and the guy mills for at least 6 at least 6 times.

In the second situation... which is thankfully clear, counters are permanent so yeah I guess they would keep them.
Posted 14 July 2010 at 02:57


yeah, what a headache to read. And Shadowex3, re-read your reply, it isn't exactly easy to read either (although no where near as fucked up as the origenal post ofcourse).

Anyway here's the summary

begin situation: 1 Halimar Excavator and 1 Oran-Rief Survivalist
your hand: 1 mirrorweave and 1 rite of replication

if you cast rite of replication first on halimar you'll get 5 extra halimar excavators, all 6 trigger 5 times and mill for 7 cards (number of allies on the field). That is 210 cards you mill which should end the game.

Now if you cast mirrorweave first targetting Oran-Rief Survivalist, you'll effectifly have 2 Oran-Rief Survivalist until end of turn. Your Halimar Excavator is not a Halimar Excavator anymore and no milling will occur when you cast rite of replication.

If you cast rite of replication on one of your 2 Oran-Rief Survivalists all your allies (who are Oran-Rief Survivalists) will gain 5 counters. At the end of turn you'll en up with 1 Halimar Excavator that has 5 +1/+1 counters on it and 6 Oran-Rief Survivalists also with counters on them and no milling occured this turn.

I hope this is what you were after?
Posted 14 July 2010 at 07:01


And if he casts mirrorweave on the Excavator AND copies it using Replication then he gets his 5 copies AND the added effects of every other relevant creature that just became a copy.
Posted 15 July 2010 at 03:54


That is exactly what I wanted to know in regards to those situations, thank you a ton. I'm still learning about stack order and whatnot at the moment after not playing for quite some time.
Posted 15 July 2010 at 06:42


Cheapest and easiest way to learn the stack: play some 1v1s where every time someone does something that uses the stack you place it in a pile in a designated spot. Boom. Stack. Whatever's on top happens first.
Posted 15 July 2010 at 07:16


[QUOTE=Shadowex3]Cheapest and easiest way to learn the stack: play some 1v1s where every time someone does something that uses the stack you place it in a pile in a designated spot. Boom. Stack. Whatever's on top happens first.[/QUOTE]

Thanks! I'm sure that will help me quite a bit... now to get another colored set of backings for my deck... most of my friends have black backings such as my own :o
Posted 16 July 2010 at 07:52


Well you could just put them at 90deg angles to each other based on who owns what, or learn to recognize your own cards.
Posted 17 July 2010 at 08:19
