Discussion Forum

Deck Challenge: Rogue

This challenge is difficult. I want to see a deck that can actually compete in FNM with winning situations. The rules are as follows.

Legality:Standard (T2)
Colors: :manaw::manab::manar::manau::manag::manaqm: (any)
Details: Must use all commons with a limit of 8 uncommons. Mix colors and ideas but no rares permitted.

In your entry post include a short summary of your deck and its main functions for my convenience. I will rate and give feedback where i see fit.

Good luck and use innovation.

btw: allies have been put together before. i want to see new ideas.
Posted 21 July 2010 at 07:34


I dont have a friday night magic around here, so I am not sure if this would actually be competitive. There are a few ideas though...Basically I want to use the blue cards to stall, and use the scry abilities to position my cards where I need them. Then I have the option of getting hand of emrakul out early and just attacking, pumping up some spawn tokens, or sacking hand with fling. I can also use scry to make sure hand of emrakul is on top of my deck and cast explosive revalations. fun challenge. I would like to try this deck out actually.

Posted 21 July 2010 at 14:30
