Discussion Forum

Deck Challenge: Standard Control

Hi everyone!

I'm looking for a :manau::manaw: standard control deck from the sets:
-Magic 2011
-Rise of the Eldrazi

I know, I know m10 and the alara block are standard now but won't be in a few months.

I have a few cards that you should probably incorporate, but you don't have to:
-Baneslayer Angel
-Jace Beleren

All I ask is that you don't make it too expensive (under 60 bucks, not including cards above)

This means no Gideon or mind sculptor... I'm sorry.

Good Luck!
Posted 15 August 2010 at 02:07


Blue/white control is a pro deck right now. Look it up on google. I like patrick chapin's build, but it's a bit outdated. By the way, if you plan on entering a lot of tournaments, it's worth your while to invest on some Jace, the mind sculptors. Because they are AWESOME.
Posted 15 August 2010 at 03:34


I know, jace, the mind sculptor defines blue control, but for the money I can make 4 good decks. I wish I had that option because I could get a few gideons too and I would make a great deck.
Posted 16 August 2010 at 00:54



might be slightly over 60$ but if you shuffle the nonbasic land down it should be in the right range, that is if im not counting the mythic rares.

also you made me cry when i couldnt put gideon in, i had to rethink the deck when i read that :P
Posted 16 August 2010 at 21:12
