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Good enchantments for mono black life deck? How many to use?

Right now all I have in mind are Polluted Bonds and Sanguine Bond.

How many of each should I use or should I just go with one per deck. I was wondering about putting in two of each so I have a higher chance of getting something in play. What are some other enchantments for a black deck that helps with life gain or like these two?

what about highway robber as a creature card? Im up for any ideas.

How many beacon of unrest can you have in your deck

please seriously, any suggestions...Just throw ideas out there. Im in the process of constructing a deck

Posted 27 August 2010 at 05:37


ok, all pretty decent cards, Polluted Bonds is ok, if you can get it on the field the using something like dark ritual and diabolic tutor in the first two turns, otherwise when it comes into play in the fifth turn, your opponent should have about 4/5 mana and be able to play enough to still screw you over...

Sanguine Bond, I wouldn't use in a mono black deck, I'd mix that up with white, for obvious reasons. It can be used with like you suggested highway robber and polluted bonds, but works so much better imo with a Proper Burial and cards like Phyrexian Defiler and using Zombify or something...

Beacon of Unrest is wsm! A bit high on mana cost but using black you should be able to destroy your opponents strongest creature and take controll of it...

As for all the crads how many to put in depends on your main startegy...allthough I would suggest not throwing in to many high cost cards..

hope any of this helps in any way :P
Posted 29 August 2010 at 12:09


I have ordered a few cards before I made this post and one of the ones I found was No Mercy. Pretty nice card and it protects you from being ticked away at during a match.

The life gain cards that I am including in this deck maybe to go with sanguine bond is Rhystic Syphon , Final Punishment, Crypt Rats with life stealing artifact equipment attached like Quietus Spike or Consume Spirit can work really well with S Bonds. I'm going to make a nasty deck and Consume spirit with some cabal coffers and black mana out be crazy strong. I haven't built it yet, but I have some good combos in my upcoming deck :)

Most of these I already have in hand right now
Posted 30 August 2010 at 02:52


no mercy is a killer!
Posted 30 August 2010 at 15:15


I thought it was too good to be true when I saw it. I only have one, but I'm trying to decide if I should run two or not. I play my friends at work a lot and I also play in some Friday night small magic tournaments around my area. I know 24 is a good land count when playing with a 60 card deck, but if I were to go to 65 or 70. how much should I run?

My rare/uncommon lands I will be running is 3 Cabal Coffers and 1 Twilight Mire, because I can pay one and get two black in one turn. I want most to be swamps due to the fact cabal coffers needs swamps to be effective and generate that extra floating mana. I would have to throw a Legendary land in if I used too many uncommon lands to generate more black mana with cabal coffers and I don't want to do that incase I play a black/anything deck. It might help them...Oh and maybe 1 or 2 Leechridden Swamp due to the fact it is still a swamp :), but I dont like the come into play tapped aspect of it.

Any suggestions of how much mana I should run?cabal coffers only needs 3 black mana on the field to be beneficial. tap two have one on the board and 3 floating and it just gets better after that lol. My creatures I am going to run are really cheap to get out, but the spells Cost a little more.

And the reason I need hand strength and life gain is because of promise of power This card makes me go through my deck pretty good and has the ability to put a massive creature in play if I play the other 4 cost with spellbook on the field and equip the flying creature with a whispersilk cloak + empyrial plate.
Posted 30 August 2010 at 19:05


[QUOTE=Lexusthegreat]no mercy is a killer![/QUOTE]

Since it says "creature" it doesnt matter if the creature has shroud or not and also if it uses activated abilities to hurt me, it dies as well.
Posted 30 August 2010 at 19:17


I don't think it works like that Shroud means the creature gets protection from spells "and" abilities... so I don't think No mercy kills untargetable or protection from black creatures.. but I could be wrong here....
Posted 30 August 2010 at 20:11


that would be good to know because there are plenty of creatures that have activated damage abilities and if they have shroud or not it would be nice to know if it dies. The word "Creatures" does not imply planeswalkers right? just creatures.
Posted 30 August 2010 at 22:57


No a planeswalker is not a creature, it is a permanent and a spell if cast...

A creature (or player) with shroud cannot be targeted whatso ever, not even by it's own abilities..... But I am not sure about the effects of No Mercy on creatures with shroud maybe you should make a new topic about this perticulair question, so others will know what the thread is about..
Posted 31 August 2010 at 09:25


the creature dies. it is a triggered effect and not targeted. the no mercy enchantment is a global enchantment so every creature is affected. it can even destroy a white knight if you allow it to damage you....
Posted 05 September 2010 at 12:54
