Discussion Forum

Deck Challenge: W U/B Allies

This deck challenge is to see who can build the best either White/Blue or White/Black Ally deck. Here are the prequisities for the challenge:

The deck must be exactly 60 cards.
The deck must be Standard (T2). Feel free to use any cards from the Alara block and M10 as they don't go out of the rotation until October 1st.
All creatures in the deck must be allies.
The deck may only be 2 of the following colors: Blue :manau:, White :manaw:, Black :manab:. However, one of the colors must be White :manaw:.
Try to use multiples of the allies (ex: 4 Ondu Clerics)

Have fun, there is no budget limit!
Posted 29 August 2010 at 14:38


why does no one use green allies? i like them
Posted 29 August 2010 at 17:59


I would agree with the fact that adding green allies makes and ally deck so much better and pretty much only becuase of Harabuz Druid and Turntimber Ranger...But it's ok I think I have a decent Idea of how to build an ally deck without them.

EDIT: here is what i have so far
Posted 29 August 2010 at 20:05


could try using 4 ondu clerics, 4 x agadeem occultist, 4 x hagra diabolist, 4 x join the ranks, 4x kabira evangel and fill the rest as you like. Or you could add blue as well and put in 4 x halimar excavator, 4 x jwari shapeshifter and also have 4 x rite of replication then you have a deck that gains loads of life, wins by either milling, makin your opponent lose life without attacking and you taking control of opponents creatures and you can also kill well over 10 opponents with this deck and its legal.
Posted 29 August 2010 at 20:23


[QUOTE=mcates]why does no one use green allies? i like them[/QUOTE]

[QUOTE=abomb12;11932]I would agree with the fact that adding green allies makes and ally deck so much better and pretty much only becuase of Harabuz Druid and Turntimber Ranger...But it's ok I think I have a decent Idea of how to build an ally deck without them.

EDIT: here is what i have so far

I have a tremendously good Green/Red Ally deck, but I want another Ally deck so I decided to make one with the other colors. I do know how incredible Turntimber and Harabaz are(they're in my GR Ally deck), but I wanted to try out the other colors.
Posted 30 August 2010 at 12:26


I actually run a 4 color ally deck that is my absolute favorite the combination of Harabaz Druid, Akoum Battlesinger, Turntimber Ranger, Talus Paladin, and Sea Gate Loremaster is tremendous...If i can get all of them out it's game, Sea Gate Loremaster allows me to draw a ton cards then Harabuz druid give me the mana to play them and after hording allies it builds up wolves for Turntimber Ranger, and pumps my allies up for every ally that enters by +1/+0 from Akoum Battlesinger...honesty Games rarely ever last long enough for that to happen but if it does lol most people just scoop.
Posted 31 August 2010 at 07:29


[QUOTE=abomb12]I actually run a 4 color ally deck that is my absolute favorite the combination of Harabaz Druid, Akoum Battlesinger, Turntimber Ranger, Talus Paladin, and Sea Gate Loremaster is tremendous...If i can get all of them out it's game, Sea Gate Loremaster allows me to draw a ton cards then Harabuz druid give me the mana to play them and after hording allies it builds up wolves for Turntimber Ranger, and pumps my allies up for every ally that enters by +1/+0 from Akoum Battlesinger...honesty Games rarely ever last long enough for that to happen but if it does lol most people just scoop.[/QUOTE]

Yes, but 4 colors is just too much for me. what I really need is some Kazuul Warlords, they beat Battleslingers by a longshot.
Posted 01 September 2010 at 22:59


I have a friend who runs a blue white mill allies deck. Combined with those damn little hedron crabs and tome scour, and loaded with counterspells and bounce to take care of any problems he encounters, the deck decimates in duels.
Posted 02 September 2010 at 12:07



Check it out
Posted 04 September 2010 at 02:00



Check it out[/QUOTE]

"This is not your deck to edit"
Posted 04 September 2010 at 20:53
