Discussion Forum

10 Lands in Standard!

10 Land Stompy is a legacy deck using 10 forest and then a bunch of free and 1 cmc creatures (including llanowar and birds for mana) and spells to smash face as quickly as possible.
The challenge is to port this idea to T2 (Shards, Zendikar, m11).
Obviously 10 lands is problematic, because in the legacy build you use land grant to fetch the lands, so in this standard version, you can use up to 15 lands.
To sum up:
No more than 15 lands
mono green

Have fun!
Posted 30 August 2010 at 01:11



khalni hydra when you have a lot of green creatures
mitotic to make a wall and have green for khalni hydra

Nest Invader for a 2 for 2/2 and 0/1/1colorless mana
Awakening Zone is slow, yes, but helps provide more mana

Llanowar, birds, arbor mana accel

Protean and Feral Hydra for late game

i realize that there are more than enough cards to fetch the 9 forests in the deck, but hey, doesn't mean you'll draw them all in one game :)

the only thing i say would be missing is anti flying
Posted 30 August 2010 at 04:44


My friends standard elves runs 10 forests and no ramps or anything and he usually has 50+ mana turn 6, ill hafta ask him about the decklist
Posted 30 August 2010 at 11:56
