Discussion Forum

Which is better? M11 or Eldrazi?

buying my first fat(phat) pack, wanting to know which one to buy. thanx.
Posted 02 September 2010 at 00:53


eldrazi is fun as shit, m11 is far more consistent and reliable, so its a tough call. what i can tell you is (assuming you pay the same amount for the eldrazi as you would for the m11) that you will get more valuable cards from the eldrazi rather than the m11 because m11 is the core set and has many reprints.
Posted 02 September 2010 at 03:11


Eldrazi has, well lots of eldrazi, plus levelers, gideon jura thats like 50 bucks and sarkhan the mad thats good, also consuming vapors and vengevine. All in all fun as shit as mentioned. Then M11 has leylines, titans worth some money, baneslayer angel, more planeswalkers but not as good ones as eldrazi, but eldrazi has fewer, and M11 also has all the good commons for the base of a deck, such as mana leak, doom blade, lightning bolt.
I do think eldrazi has a lot of good cards other than eldrazi and you probably should go with buying an eldrazi fat pack, i just don't like all the eldrazi cards its just not my thing, plus titans and leylines are awesome as well as some of the artifacts for when scars comes out.
So as much as i wanna say M11, its Eldrazi.:(
Posted 02 September 2010 at 04:40


Depending on how long you've been playing and / or how big you current collection is, I could suggest either. If you're just starting a collection (or just about), I'd say M11. If you've already got a decent amount of cards and just want to boost your collection, I'd say RoE. So, in the end, the choice is yours.
Posted 02 September 2010 at 05:09


M11 has more money cards then ROE has so I would go with M11. Also M11 is geared to helping the next block set that is coming out so if you want to continue to play standard and possibly want a top deck for FNMs, so if you want to play alot of Scars of Mirrodin I would again go with M11.
Posted 02 September 2010 at 06:07


M11 without a doubt. The general opinion about rise of eldrazi is that it is a disaster set. The set doesn't sell well at all for that reason. There are ok cards in there but they are few and 49 out 50 boosters contain crap cards including the rares.

M11 has a lot to offer new players and it has some serious power rares as well.
Posted 02 September 2010 at 11:01


Tell u what m11 is the way to go roe is ok I've had 5 booster boxes of them an
d really didn't get much. Now m11 on the other hand I've gotten 9 booster boxes of and in every box I've gotten each titan which payed for the boxes that's not including my little over playset of baneslayers. And besides u get more trade quality with m11 because that's what ppl are wanting at the moment don't trade ur artifacts off wait for scars cause everyone is going to want sword of vengance and the golem watch. M11 m11 m11.....
Posted 02 September 2010 at 19:03


As has been said M11 is a core set and although it's safer the reprints and lack of combos present make it a lesser choice to Eldrazi...which all in all was one of my favorite releases. If you are new to magic start with the core set, but for the either experienced player or old player getting back in, you should be able to pick up on what Eldrazi should be doing without the need of common core cards.
Posted 03 September 2010 at 16:56
