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Ninja Deck?

Hello I'm fairly new to magic. I've been playing for probably 3 or 4 months now. My deck is alright against my friends but its just basically a clump of red and green cards. Any land is all basic, not much of a stratagy besides getting out terastodon and/or Mordant dragon, ect. You know, time to get something better. A few of my friends have made some great decks such as a vampire and a colorless. I was looking for other ideas for that sort of thing and I really like the idea of a ninja deck. out of all the ones I've looked at on here I like this one the most, http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=5305 , would you suggest getting those cards exactly or a few changes to it or anything? It seems to me that not very many ninjas are very strong but have good effects. Also I'm just playing with friends, should I bother having a sideboard? Any help is appreciated.
Posted 02 September 2010 at 04:25


i've tried using a ninja deck before, and it failed entirely. that list looks a bit better than mine but i still don't think you should play ninjas.
Posted 04 September 2010 at 11:23


Well I'll take that into consideration but at the moment I'm really liking the idea of a ninja deck. What did you find made it so bad.


Thats mine so far, I didn't use the other persons because I want to feel soewhat individualistic. It needs work still though being at 76 cards. It has both ninjas and samurai which seem to work together. correct me if I'm wrong.
Posted 05 September 2010 at 23:10


Ok ninjas are super fast and aggresive if made right. First pick your colors, ether black or blue or both. Whichever you choose then you need good cards to bring ninjas out. Ornithopter is a must, blue I use sage owls and augury owls for blue because they give a huge advantage of controlling what you draw when being played every turn or every other turn. And black I use grim claw bats and phyriexian battle flies, they are cheep and pack a punch if needed.
Now you can use some equip cards. Shruken is better than it looks. And after that u can use whatever you want. I use sword of light and shadow and all its varients just for fun but whatever works! Hope this helped!
Posted 11 April 2011 at 14:10
