Discussion Forum

Shrine headache

Me and some friends were playing some casual magic last night when a very strange combo arose.

Honden of Cleansing Fire, Honden of Infinite Rage and Honden of Life's Web were on the battlefield with three colorless 1/1 spirit creature tokens. Perfectly normal, until Conspiracy was cast and "shrine" chosen as a creature type.

Is it legal to choose shrine as a creature type?
Would each spirit count as a shrine for the Hondens?

Please help. :(
Posted 05 September 2010 at 13:52


conspiracy targets creature types, not enchantment types. so the combo will not work. but conspiracy will work well with ally creature deck (e.g turntimber ranger for infinite creatures, bala ged thief for discards, etc..) but the key card is the ranger bec it produces the token. once the wolf token hits the battlefield, it turns to an ally creature type thus triggering the ranger ability of producing the token infinitely. if you have other allys in your field then it will trigger as well like the thief or another notable ally is the halimar excavator to mill the whole library. but you must have the ranger out first. hehehe
Posted 05 September 2010 at 15:35


Playing devils advocate here, but the idea was to turn the spirits also into shrines and count them therefore 6 shrines would be in play. I couldn't find anywhere that definitively said that the shrines must be enchantments. Unless there is a specific list of creature types you can choose for conspiracy.

I understand what your saying, just it would really help if someone could quote some rules backing up your statement.
Posted 05 September 2010 at 16:55


Alright, whenever you have to choose a card, creature, or other type or subtype of card, you have to choose from the list for each type or subtype. It's in the comprehensive rules and I'm not digging it out, but it's there. Also, even if Shrine was a creature type, the Hondens are referring to an enchantment type (implying rather), so it still would not work.
Posted 05 September 2010 at 17:34


Thanks very much for your help. :D
Posted 05 September 2010 at 18:15
