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Q on Stack

For instance, let's say I have a Jitte with a couple of counters on it. If I decide to remove some in order to do kill a creature and my opponent naturalizes Jitte in response, will the the creature still take the -1/-1s?

What about if the naturalize had split second (can't remb that card's name)?

Is this the same for creatures with activated abilities too?
Posted 05 September 2010 at 15:14


Alright, it doesn't matter if the Jitte is Naturalized or Krosan Gripped, as long as its abilities are already on the stack, they're gonna resolve. This is true for creatures too, most of the time. There are obviously activated abilities that check if the creature's in play (directly or indirectly).
Posted 05 September 2010 at 17:32
