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Would this work?

I was looking through my Blue cards and I came across this level.
Echo Mage
And thought could I technically build an Eldrazi Deck around this.
This isn't exactly an Eldrazi deck because I am really only using the Eldrazi's for the Eldrazi Spawns.
So say this is a Blue/Black deck.
I place Echo and lvl him to 4 and then I place this card
Sadistic Sacrament
by using it's Kicker 7 I could have them Exile 15 cards.
Then by Tapping two Blue and Echo Mage could I do the spell 2 more times with it's kicker or would I have to play the Kicker cost again?

If this work I could exile 45 cards from the game leaving them with only mana causing it to be game for only.
3 Black, 7 Eldrazi Spawn Tokens, and 2 Blue.

Thanks for any help!!
Posted 07 September 2010 at 23:53


that's just overkill, if you can filter 15 cards out of someone's deck it's most likely game over already. 60 card decks never pack more then 15 key spells, the rest are just utility spells to get the deck going or to control the opponent but they don't win the game. Usually it is enough to remove 5-6 cards to break a deck.
I myself run a 300 card control deck and there it would be damaging to my deck if you could actually pull out 45 cards but even then you would not have broken it, just saying there will always be exceptions.

I like the idea of a turbo Sadistic Sacrament deck though. It has potential.
Posted 08 September 2010 at 06:40


And yes, this would work within the rules, you don't have to pay kicker again, it's copied.
Posted 08 September 2010 at 15:07
