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I have 2 different questions:
I haven't played in at least a year and half, and after picking up a bit of the new cards, my friend and I reached a rule dilemma when we were playing. I was attacking with my Bloodthrone Vampire, 2 Pulse Trackers, and a Captivating Vampire. All of them did direct damage. Would I be able to sacrifice Pulse Trackers with the Bloodthrone Vampire's effect after they dealt their damage to the player in order to make the player take 4 more damage?
Sorry if this is so wordy... but I have been running into this dilemma a bit lately with this new deck.

Second, and this one is probably an easy one to answer, but I'm not sure still. If I have multiple Kalastria Highborn in play, and I sacrifice a vampire, do I have to pay 1 for EACH Kalastria Highborn (4 total) or just 1 for all of them?
Posted 13 September 2010 at 22:19


The first question, the answer is yes, you could sac the pulse trackers to the blood throne to give the blood throne +4/+4

The second question, you have to pay 1 for each Highborn. However, you can ONLY pay one for each highborn, you CANNOT pay more than one on one highborn.
Posted 13 September 2010 at 23:36


Thanks much! I greatly appreciate it!
Posted 14 September 2010 at 01:22


[QUOTE=akrischel]Would I be able to sacrifice Pulse Trackers with the Bloodthrone Vampire's effect after they dealt their damage to the player in order to make the player take 4 more damage?

actually NO. combat damage has already happened, you can't further modify it.

you can either sacrifice the creature before the damage is dealt, in which case the bloodthrone would get the bonus but the pulse trackers themselves would deal no damage.

if you sac them after the damage step then bloodthrones will not deal any more damage.
Posted 14 September 2010 at 13:49


seras is correct that you can not sacrifice them after combat damage has been done to make them take more. However, and someone correct me if im wrong, you can attack with all of those and before combat damage is dealt sac the trackers and make bloodthrone gain +4/+4 and the pulse trackers 1 dmg from their ability will go through as well so you gain 2 bonus dmg, but lose 2 creatures. So unless its to end the game I don't see sacrificing them as being worth it as you will do more dmg over the turns with the trackers.
Posted 14 September 2010 at 14:29


[QUOTE=mcmurray26] So unless its to end the game I don't see sacrificing them as being worth it as you will do more dmg over the turns with the trackers.[/QUOTE]

Actually, I run 4 Kalastria Highborn, so each sacrifice would cause them to lose an additional 2 life per Highborn. That's the main reason I run 4 Bloodthrone. Sacrifice creatures for +2/+2 and drain 2 life off my opponent!
Posted 14 September 2010 at 19:34
