Discussion Forum

*Mirrodin Spoiler*

Here's just a combo I want to propose for a deck that will be standard when Scars of Mirrodin rotates in.

My findings for the spoilers are from here:


The card of interest is Necrotic Ooze. He has the static ability "As long as Necrotic Ooze is on the battlefield, it has all the activated abilities of all creature cards in all graveyards". I thought that this card combos very well in a deck like Dredgevine. Recently, I have read up on how the Dredgevine deck works and here I have posted an exact copy of David Ochoa's deck list from nationals where he placed 4th:


Now the extractor demons, noble hiearchs, and sedraxis are rotating out, so there are slots to be filled. For the moment, we don't know the rulings for Necrotic Ooze, but I'm assuming that anything with a specific named activated ability is out of the question for use in the graveyard? (You could probably put level counters on him, but what good would that do?) So for example, River Boa, who has tap :manag:: "Regenerate River Boa" would not be able to be used because Necrotic Ooze isn't River Boa. But putting that aside...

Two cards that have come to mind for me so far are Gigantomancer and Spawnshire of Ulamog. So the deck mills Gigantomancer, for instance, into the graveyard and you play Necrotic Ooze. Kind of like the Sovereigns-Conscription combo, your fauna shamans, cryptologists, hedron crabs, noble hiearchs, looters, birds of paradise, doppleganger, and (of course) vengevines! can become 7/7's instantly and attack for the win, granted you have enough mana left over after playing Necrotic Ooze. With Spawnshire, it's a less exciting combo, but you can start creating that spawn army without having to hardcast the 10 mana costing creature.

So the deck list would look something like:
-4 Extracter Demons
-2 noble hiearchs
-1 Sedraxis Alchemist

+4 Gigantomancers
+3 Necrotic Ooze

to make it:

Creatures (36)
4x Birds of Paradise
4x Hedron Crab
4x Gigantomancer
4x Vengevine
1x Sylvan Ranger
4x Fauna Shaman
4x Merfolk Looter
4x Enclave Cryptologist
4x Renegade Doppelganger
3x Necrotic Ooze
Land (24)
5x Forest
4x Island
2x Swamp
3x Drowned Catacomb
4x Misty Rainforest
2x Scalding Tarn
4x Verdant Catacombs

So what do you think? Could it be competitive? Will it make it? I certainly hope so, and I hope I was the one that came up with it :)

btw, I'm hoping the name-based action rule doesn't work out, so that Necrotic Ooze can use Vengeful Archon's ability :) maybe even just the first part because it doesn't specify vengeful archon preventing the damage

OH and anyone else think that the Gideon Jura + Sunblast Angel combo is pretty sweet? :)
Day of Judgment on their side of the field while placing a 4/5 creature on the field at the same time...is that not cool?
Posted 16 September 2010 at 04:46


You're going to need some Disentombs to make sure that your Oozes end up in your hand rather than on the field. Also: adding Liliana will definitely help your game. It will allow you to discard cards faster and makes for a great finisher in a deck about sending cards to the graveyard. The tutoring also helps.

However, this is REALLY vulnerable. One Leyline of the Void or Bojuka Bog and you're screwed. Try adding a playset of Naturalize to the sideboard as well as some more deck thinning (Cultivate is my biggest suggestion here, along with, if you can find it, Primeval Titan.

Noble Hierarch will be exiting Standard, so you're going to have to take that out.
Molten-Tail Masticore will definitely help you out in this deck as well. It's a discard engine and a powerhouse. Sure it burns opponents up at the cost of an ability or two, the benefits outway the risks here.

Well, that's my input, sounds like a good idea to me.
Posted 16 September 2010 at 15:39


oh thanks for pointing out the hiearchs rotating out, completely forgot those -.-
but yeah, there was a lot of graveyard hate at nationals (bojuka bog, leyline of void) and david ochoa still made top 4, AND brad nelson also made top 8 :) i think this deck is more scared of cunning sparkmage than the graveyard hate because of the one toughness engines in the deck.

With the milling, only the hedron crab does the milling. There are other engines of getting necrotic ooze into your hand such as the looter and cryptologist, but the main engine is the fauna shaman. Those same engines also get gigantomancer into the graveyard.

But yeah dredge is dredge and it won't always go the way you want it to go
Posted 16 September 2010 at 16:21



Posted 23 September 2010 at 00:43


Oh my GOD he COPIED YOUR COMBO. What a douche.
Wait, wait... hold on, you guys. What if...what if he just kind of had the same idea as you? I mean, this guy is a pro and everything, so it's not too hard to believe that he would might actually *come up with that combo on his own.* Or maybe you're partly right in that his deck idea didn't come straight from his own brain: maybe he was looking around the forums and found someone BESIDES YOU who said, "Hey, this card Necrotic Ooze could be pretty cool in that Dredgevine deck, huh?" (http://tinyurl.com/28k4pjj first three results: proof)
Don't flatter yourself.

oh and it does work with vengeful archon and stuff :) http://tinyurl.com/2fb64p2
Posted 25 September 2010 at 19:56


[QUOTE=ohaiyu]Blah blah blah, I'm so opinionated[/QUOTE]

I think what ExTracT meant was "Whoa! Cool! I had this nifty little idea, and it turns out a pro likes it too!"

Not "Who does this guy think he is, using my idea!?"

Might I suggest getting a life? Too abrasive and not very impressive for your first post ;)
Posted 25 September 2010 at 22:20


[QUOTE=SavajCabbaj]I think what ExTracT meant was "Whoa! Cool! I had this nifty little idea, and it turns out a pro likes it too!"

Not "Who does this guy think he is, using my idea!?"

Might I suggest getting a life? Too abrasive and not very impressive for your first post ;)[/QUOTE]

haha yeah that's kinda what i meant you're right, but i guess i could've been taken either way
Posted 26 September 2010 at 01:26
