Discussion Forum

Format simulator

Hey, I was just wondering if it was possible to get functionality for simulating sealed decks or booster drafts etc. I was thinking that with the cards being spoiled for blocks ever earlier it would be cool if players who are attending pre-release events could get some practise building sealed decks or drafting, just to see the kind of thing they can expect to pull.

Sealed decks would be easy enough I think, you already have cards and rarity stored it would just be a case of implementing some way of limiting card input to basic land and the cards generated by the packs.

Draft would be a bit more challenging since you would need to either implement functionality to allow 8 users to participate at the same time from the same draft or make it so that the computer can make reasonable choices when choosing decks. If you create an AI account you could also include a automatically generated section of the description of the deck which would include links to the other 7 decks made in the draft.

But perhaps I am getting ahead of myself.

Summary: Limited simulators for different blocks would be awesome.

Lord Strongpaw
Posted 25 September 2010 at 07:01


http://magic.tcgplayer.com has a great draft tool and you can draft various editions. SOM is already there.
Posted 27 September 2010 at 08:01


This is something we'd love to add but as you've already said it's draft that's by far the hard part. A sealed deck/pack simulator may be a possibility but it'd never be 100% accurate as I don't know the exact levels of cards Wizards use in their packs. I wonder if anybody hanging around here might know where I could get hold of this information...
Posted 27 September 2010 at 08:28


Finding Print Runs isn't too hard really, but to be honest you have to make a compromise: Either stop caring about print runs (because I think they shuffle their packs now) and do it based solely on c,uc,r,mr, or Spend the large amount of time figuring out different pack orders.
Posted 07 October 2010 at 18:17
