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When an artifact spell is played it causes Myrsmith to trigger for "Pay 1 and put a 1/1 Myr into play" Can it be paid multiple times? If not, is there a way to bounce artifacts with a permanent that can be done multiple times? In standard, that is.
Posted 28 September 2010 at 16:11


No you can't pay more than 1. Also, I'm not sure if there is a permanent bounce card. My brain isn't working too well right now to remember one. All I can think of are instants like Into the Roil. Bouncing your stuff just so you can trigger the smith again probably isn't the best strategy, unless the artifact you are bouncing has a good "Come into play" affect. If you want to effectively use the smith, you should just put alot of artifacts into your deck.
Posted 29 September 2010 at 00:31


I also want to know if i play and artifact than can produce mana by tapping it like Palladium Myr, when it comes ito play can i tap it to pay for the cost of Myrsmith and get the 1/1 myr
Posted 29 September 2010 at 00:44


[QUOTE=ePro]I also want to know if i play and artifact than can produce mana by tapping it like Palladium Myr, when it comes ito play can i tap it to pay for the cost of Myrsmith and get the 1/1 myr[/QUOTE]

No, because it is effected by summoning sickness. Although if you have Grand Architect out then you can do it that way.
Posted 29 September 2010 at 05:44


[QUOTE=Dazereth]When an artifact spell is played it causes Myrsmith to trigger for "Pay 1 and put a 1/1 Myr into play" Can it be paid multiple times? If not, is there a way to bounce artifacts with a permanent that can be done multiple times? In standard, that is.[/QUOTE]

This is how it works:

- you play a myr
- the myrsmith triggered effect goes on the stack and the stack now looks like this

1. Pay 1 and put a 1/1 Myr into play

There is only one instance of the triggered ability on the stack and it requires a cost, paying that cost is like paying the cost for a spell. Paying more then the cost requires has no effect, you just create floating mana (unused mana in your mana pool). You can only create 1 myr because the ability triggered only once and it's not because you pay the cost that the ability triggered, it's because you played a myr. The cost is not the trigger.

does that makes sense to you?
Posted 29 September 2010 at 07:11


I can think of a grand total of two permanents you could possibly use to bounce artifacts, but it's not a terribly practical solution just to trigger Myrsmith.

- Venser, a 40 dollar Planeswalker.
- Ruin ghost, if you have any of the lands that dual-type with artifact (i.e.: from the original Mirrodin or Planechase) - but those lands are out of Standard.

If you really want infinite Myr you could splash red for Splinter Twin on a Myr Galvanizer with a couple of mana myr or a palladium in play.
1.) Play Splinter Twin.
2.) Tap the newly enchanted Galvanizer to create a copy.
3.) Tap the galvanizer you just made to untap the original (enchanted) galvanizer. Tap that original to put in another duplicate, which you tap to untap the others... etc.
Posted 10 October 2010 at 05:06


Removing an artifact from the game until the end of the turn via Venser's first ability will not allow you to activate Myrsmith's ability. Myrsmith reads "Whenever you cast an artifact spell, you may..." Exiling an artifact, and it returning to play, is not casting an artifact spell. Similarly, creating copies of artifacts / artifact creatures with Splinter Twin, Prototype Portal, Mimic Vat, etc. will not allow you to activate Myrsmith.

The only way for this to work would be if there is a card that created a copy of the artifact outside of the game, and allowed you to cast it. This is why rebound cards work with Kiln Fiend, for example.

IMO, Myrsmith generates more than enough tokens just as she is. There's really no reason to return artifacts to your hand just to activate her ability again (when that bounce spell could easily just be replaced with another artifact, assuming that's the only purpose the bounce spell has within the deck). As mentioned above, the only reason to bounce an artifact card would be if it had a good "comes into play" ability. For example, running a Trigon of a color that is not present in the main board, as to put charge counters back on it (again, a rather pointless use of a bounce spell, IMO)

Also, as mentioned above, if you want a ton of myr tokens, 2 Myr Galvanizers, :mana2: production worth of manamyr, and a Myr Propegator will generate infinite myr tokens. Similarly, if you're playing a format that allows cards from the Mirrodin block, the same set up but with Myr Matrix would also generate infinite myr tokens.
Posted 10 October 2010 at 17:09


[QUOTE=SaintKrieg]If you really want infinite Myr you could splash red for Splinter Twin on a Myr Galvanizer with a couple of mana myr or a palladium in play.
1.) Play Splinter Twin.
2.) Tap the newly enchanted Galvanizer to create a copy.
3.) Tap the galvanizer you just made to untap the original (enchanted) galvanizer. Tap that original to put in another duplicate, which you tap to untap the others... etc.[/QUOTE]

This would also work, I didn't think of that :) You just need a single manamyr and the combo is set. Infinite myr with infinite p/t... hah XD Next, drop Momentous Fall to gain infinite life and draw your entire library.. just to rub it in your opponent's face :P
Posted 10 October 2010 at 17:12


[QUOTE=SavajCabbaj]Removing an artifact from the game until the end of the turn via Venser's first ability will not allow you to activate Myrsmith's ability. Myrsmith reads "Whenever you cast an artifact spell, you may..." Exiling an artifact, and it returning to play, is not casting an artifact spell. Similarly, creating copies of artifacts / artifact creatures with Splinter Twin, Prototype Portal, Mimic Vat, etc. will not allow you to activate Myrsmith.[/QUOTE]

I didn't say it'd work for the combo - I was just answering his question about permanents with repeatable 'bounce'-like effects in Standard. I apologize if I worded that poorly.

If you REALLY wanted to do it, though, you could do it with Splinter Twin outside of Standard - for instance, comboed with Barrin, Master Wizard. Enchant Barrin, make a twin, use him for his own cost, return an artifact creature to your hand, recast the creature. Mana intensive and impractical, but possible.

Or you could make an entire silly Vintage theme deck, using Blood Clock/Umbilicus to allow yourself an extra chance to use Myrsmith each turn, or Complex Automaton, or Crystal Shard and Cyclopian Snare (bonus: last two work with voltaic key). If you're feeling particularly ritzy, you could dig out a Time Elemental.
Posted 10 October 2010 at 18:33


I take with embersmith it works the same then...Whenever you cast a artifact spell you can pay 1 to do direct damage...So I cant pay 7 when playing another artifact to do 7 direct damage. If I want to do 7 direct damage I must play 7 artifacts and pay 7.
Posted 12 October 2010 at 08:42


[QUOTE=Liquad]So I cant pay 7 when playing another artifact to do 7 direct damage. If I want to do 7 direct damage I must play 7 artifacts and pay 7.[/QUOTE]

Correct, it's a 1:1 ratio.
Posted 12 October 2010 at 20:07
