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This might sound stupid, but I have not played Magic in a while...

Can you still block and then sacrifice that same creature...if it or something else enables you to do so...

For instance block with Bile Urchin, then Sac it...
Posted 11 October 2010 at 09:27


Yes, if an ability from something else exists you can still Sacrifice as a fast-effect after blockers have been assigned. It blocks the creature, and it dies under your accord. IMO, good time to sac.

Please correct me if I'm wrong guys, lmao.
Posted 11 October 2010 at 16:46


Thank you.
Is tap blocking also still legal?
Posted 12 October 2010 at 08:30


You can declare that creature as blocker and then sac it, before the combat damage is dealt. The attacker is still blocked.
You can't have your creature deal combat damage and sac it (unless the attacking creature deals non-lethal damage) - that's different to previous rules.

What do you mean with tap blocking?
You can block with an untapped creature and tap it later with a spell, effect or ability. The block is still legal and the blocker still deals combat damage.
Did you mean that?
Posted 12 October 2010 at 11:28


Yes thats what I meant. Thank you.

Im asking because imagine this scenario...

My opponent attacks with his 1/1. I Block it with my silver myr.Then he pump it up with Untamed might,I then tap my myr that blocked and use one land to use Mana leak to counter the pump spell.
To my understanding both creatures die then.

Is that scenario legal?
Posted 12 October 2010 at 12:53


Yes, that's correct.
Both deal combat damage to each other and die, if your opponent doesn't pay 3.
Posted 12 October 2010 at 13:26
