Discussion Forum

Protean vs. leyline of punishment

I'm pretty sure I know the answer to this but I want to make sure. Protean hydra's ability prevents damage done do it and then you can remove counters from it based on the amount of damage done to it and then put double the amount of counters back on to it that you just removed at the next end step. Leyline of punishment makes it so that you can't prevent damage so I'm assuming that leyline of punishment then makes it so that protean hydra's ability is no longer active.
Posted 23 October 2010 at 15:00


True but you still need to remove counters and still put them back...check magiccards.info for the rules...
Posted 23 October 2010 at 16:53


Thanks. I was trying to figure that out, as I have a deck centered on the Protean hydra and dealing damage to it and wanted to check how leyline of punishment works with it as it has also been an invaluable part of my deck.
Posted 23 October 2010 at 20:45


the remove the counter effect of the hydra still takes place even if there's a leyline. this is a part of the ruling of the leyline : " If a prevention effect has an additional effect, the additional effect will still work (if possible). Spells that create prevention effects can still be cast, and abilities that create prevention effects can still be activated. " on the hydra, the ruling is: " If unpreventable damage is dealt to Protean Hydra, the Hydra's second ability will try to prevent it and fail (meaning that damage has its normal results), and it will also remove that many +1/+1 counters from Protean Hydra." the reason that the hydra does not die is bec. the 2nd ability is a triggered effect. so it does not technically "kill" it because 2 +1/+1/ counters are added.
Posted 26 October 2010 at 02:58


It doesn't get the other +1/+1 counters until the end step though, wouldn't the damage resolve before the counters are added.
Posted 26 October 2010 at 20:06


[QUOTE=rckclimber777]It doesn't get the other +1/+1 counters until the end step though, wouldn't the damage resolve before the counters are added.[/QUOTE]

Protean Hydra

That's right. The Hydra has to survive 'till the end of the turn to get the counters back, which won't be easy if all damage to it is effectively doubled (since it both gets smaller and takes the damage).
Posted 27 October 2010 at 00:31
