Discussion Forum

See Mana cost at a glance in Deck Construction


I'd like to suggest adding a mana cost, defense and attack columns to the deck construction view.

This would be very helpful while creating decks to keep yourself checked while adding things up.

Another neat feature might also be to add a "Deck value" total to give you an idea how much such a deck would cost to make based on current eBay prices. The code is already there to fetch costs, it shouldn't be too difficult to add a subroutine to average those costs and add them to deck view.

Thanks in advance =)
Posted 01 December 2010 at 06:18


Sorry about the late reply (only 1 1/2 months! ;))

Thanks for the suggestion - the price one is actually quite do-able, as you rightly said, we do already store the card prices. It's something we've wanted to add for a while, we were pondering using http://www.magictraders.com/ as well to get a good average price.


Posted 17 January 2011 at 10:22


Not sure if I follow you on the defense/attack...oh, you're talking about power and toughness, right? Yeah, that would be good, though you'd need something else for the other cards.

Mana cost would definately be good thing to put in. I sometimes get lost on which mana type is which when I'm building multi-color decks.

The whole columns thing would mean more real estate, though. You could move the links on the left side, but that would be a drastic web site change. I dunno, the card hover would ultimately solve all of the problems :) But, price wouldn't be on the card, and deck price is useful, too.

Funny, we're basically asking to have almost every piece of information that is on the card details to be in the deck builder / deck screen.
Posted 18 January 2011 at 13:12
