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Another gameplay question.

I was play an EDH game with a friend when I realized I know very little about how the abilities actually work. I'm not saying I don't understand the game, I'm just unsure on thier interaction with combat. Here is the situation that led me to this revelation:

I have Lightning Greaves equipped to Teneb, the Harvester (my general), Serra Ascendant, and Baneslayer Angel with 7 usable mana at the beginning of my turn. I also have a Cradle of Vitality in play.

My friend has 2 Creatures that do not have flying, so I am free to attack at will, an enchantment, and a few lands. I have also dealt 12 damage with my general.

I draw a Spirit Link and attach it to Teneb (after switching the equipment to Baneslayer). I then declare that I am attacking with all 3 creatures. My opponent can't block so everything goes through.

Here is where I come to my questions!

1) How many times will I need to activate the Cradle of Vitality?
--I assume it's either 2 or 3 times. I'm not sure if I need to activate it for each creature or each instance of life gain. My assumption is that I need to activate it for Baneslayers First Strike and then for the regular combat damage of the other 2.

2) How soon does it take effect?
--If I am right and only activate it at each combat step, will the effect of the Cradle happen after first strike and before regular damage? Basically, under these circumstances, can I pump up my general in the middle of combat?

Thanks for any help.
Posted 05 January 2011 at 00:16


[QUOTE=Bonzai820] Basically, under these circumstances, can I pump up my general in the middle of combat? [/QUOTE]

Yes, you can productively pump up your general with the life you gained from the Baneslayer.

During the first strike damage step, your Baneslayer deals 5 damage and, thanks to lifelink, you simultaneously gain 5 life. This triggers the Cradle's ability, which goes on the stack just before the next time anyone could respond.

When the Cradle's ability resolves, you pay two mana and put 5 +1/+1 counters on Teneb.

Then, during the regular combat damage step, Teneb will deal 11 damage to your opponent and your Ascendant will deal 6 damage to him, causing you to gain 6 life. The abilities of the Cradle and Spirit Link each trigger, but if your opponent dies (from all the damage from your general) and you're the last player left the game ends. Otherwise,

When the Cradle ability that triggered from the Ascendant's damage resolves, you can pay two mana to put 6 +1/+1 counters on something.

When the Spirit Link ability resolves and gives you 11 life, the Cradle's ability will trigger again. When that instance of the ability resolves, you can pay two mana to put 11 +1/+1 counters on something.

(Note that Spirit Link works differently from lifelink; with lifelink the life-gain happens at the same time as the damage, whereas Spirit Link - and creatures like Exalted Angel - has a triggered ability that can be responded to before the life-gain happens.)

[quote]My assumption is that I need to activate it for Baneslayers First Strike and then for the regular combat damage of the other 2.[/quote]

It triggers each time your life total increases.

For example, if your Baneslayer deals damage, causing you to gain life, then it triggers (once); if you're at less than 20 life and get hit with a Blessed Wind, it triggers (once).

If you had two creatures with lifelink that dealt damage at the same time (like in combat), then (I'm pretty sure) it would be a single instance of life-gain, so the Cradle would trigger once.
Posted 05 January 2011 at 02:38


Thank you for the indepth answer. It was spot-on for what I was trying to find out. And thanks for clarifying the difference between lifelink and abilities such as that of Spirit Link, I was unaware of the differentiation. Details like that are what I have found escape my understanding of the game. Once again I am very glad I stumble across this website.
Posted 05 January 2011 at 10:54
