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Star Magic

My friends devised a game for me to play with them involving 5 players total and each player chose a mono color deck. So 1 person would play a mono blue deck, 1 person would play a mono red deck etc.

Now after we played I thought we would do it again with different decks we make from scratch, so I made a mono black reanimate deck. Problem is some cards I want in the deck have white in the mana cost. Would the deck still be legal if as long as I wasn't casting them.

(Cards are Iona, Shield of Emeria and Akroma, Angel of Wrath)

If I can't I'll just play some big eldrazi cards instead. (Not emrakul or ulamog for obvious reasons)
Posted 13 January 2011 at 03:54


Now this seems like it's a fun game, there's no set "rules" for it. I'd say just ask the other people you're playing with to see if it's okay.

Btw, not sure if it's the same gametype but occasionally me and my friends play a "5 star" game where each person is running a mono colored deck and we are situated so that your colored allies are sitting next to you (If you don't know the allied colors just look at the back of any magic card). The people next to you are your allies and the 2 people opposite of you are your opponents. Now what's really interesting is that your two 'allies' are actually enemies to each other which makes for a very interesting twist as the only way you can win is if the two people opposite of you die, meaning only one person can win unless multiple people die at the same time. It's a ton of fun though, I recommend it ;-)
Posted 20 January 2011 at 06:48
