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Is this deck broken... I think so.

Completely Standard legal, Crab Umbra + Harabaz for infinite mana as long as you maintain good field presence, Prototype portal insures ally drops once you use it for Stonework Puma, Crab Umbra Enchanted Harabaz + Crab Umbra Enchanted Sea Gate Loremaster for Infinite Draw, and then throw one on Echo Mage for Infinite Copies.

Enjoy the most broken deck I have ever concieved.
Posted 14 January 2011 at 04:07



seems awfully vulnerable to removal and you have very few answers of your own.

aggro decks (especially with flyers) will beat you long before you have any of your 'infinite' mechanics set-up.

Echo Mage is completely useless here, replacing it with Umara Raptor would help make your deck faster and would help plug the flying hole.
Posted 14 January 2011 at 16:58


My friend relied on the Crab umbra w/ Harabaz druid to get infinite mana and genesis wave his whole deck (usually excluding like 4 cards just to be safe). His deck had like 20 allies, 4 of which were halimar excavators, another 4 were Jwari Shapeshifters targeting Halimar Excavators. Do the math :D
Posted 27 January 2011 at 06:59
