Discussion Forum

Life Tracker: A BlackBerry MTG Counter

I've created a Magic the Gathering counter for your BlackBery Smartphone! Eliminate the need for dice. Track your life and any other counter on your BlackBerry


Backgrounds for each colour
Add your own custom counters
Quick Access keys for quick updates
Keep your BlackBerry screen on so counters are always visible

Screenshots and more info is available here: http://www.thumbpowered.com/products.html#LifeTracker

Let me know what you think. Feature requests are welcome.
Posted 19 January 2011 at 02:41


I played against a guy who used something like this....one drawback was it was difficult for me to see what his lifescore was at...had to keep asking to see it. We've now ruled it must be pen and paper, so to make it easy to read.

Having said that, if the electronic version was easy to read from both sides of the table, I would entertain allowing it.
Posted 16 February 2011 at 20:07


Thanks for the feedback. What made it difficult to see? Were the numbers too small, the fact that it was upside down or was the screen hard to see from an angle?
Posted 16 February 2011 at 20:24


numbers too small, and the angle the screen was at (when viewed from across the table)
Posted 16 February 2011 at 21:04


Thanks for the feedback. I'll look into a larger font for the next release.
Posted 01 March 2011 at 02:47


[QUOTE=Wolfe359_01]I played against a guy who used something like this....one drawback was it was difficult for me to see what his lifescore was at...had to keep asking to see it. We've now ruled it must be pen and paper, so to make it easy to read.[/QUOTE]

Not that its any of my business how you play but its up to the individual to keep track of such stats and not a bad thing to learn to do. In the ideal setup you both keep track of both your life total and anything else of note.
Please know I don't mean to be rude.

DaHunter aim higher, check out MTG Tracker on android marked and never be afraid to be inspired by someone else, I truly believe that is one of the reasons we are here. To help inspire each other.
Posted 01 March 2011 at 20:57


I have actually been thinking about making something like it for Nokia Symbian, ill just include poison counters too. But yours look nice if i had a blackberry i would definitely have downloaded it.
Posted 02 March 2011 at 21:32
