Discussion Forum


just curious but im slightly confused about the mirrodin besieged prerelease and hoping someone who knows for sure whats happening i know you pick a faction and get the packs for this faction but ive seen things contradicting what you get do you get all six of the same faction? or do you get three and then three mirrodin besieged boosters? also another question can you get non aligned cards like for example tezzeret in the aligned packs? or is it just impossible to get him at a prerelease?
Posted 26 January 2011 at 18:02


You will receive 3 SoM booster packs, and 3 MBS faction packs. I don't believe the deck needs to be affiliated, though your faction packs will restrict the colors you will open for 50% of your card pool.
Posted 27 January 2011 at 13:36
