Discussion Forum

Buying Online

I'm curious to know what online stores other users have used and recommend. I have purchased from MTG Fanatic, only because at the time it was the only store I knew somebody else purchased from. But their cards are wickedly overpriced compared to some of the other stores I've looked at.

How about MTGMintCard.com? Their prices seem to be the most reasonable I've found.
Posted 28 January 2011 at 17:28


I use cardshark http://www.cardshark.com/

usually can get very decent prices but can rarely get all i want in one shot

still, prefer it to grabbing individual play sets off ebay.
Posted 28 January 2011 at 17:49


I started using eBay when I began to buy singles and play sets to finish off my decks. No headaches yet. If anything, while there are some people out there just trying to make a buck, I tend to get pretty good prices.

MTGMintCard has an eBay store and I've bought a few things from them. Prices were reasonable, shipping was quick.
Posted 28 January 2011 at 18:40


Card Shark is more of a trading post, correct? I think a friend recommended it to me, but also commented that it can be a hassle because you have to shop around. Prices are competitive, hence cheap, but you might not be able to get everything you want. I might still look into that, but at the moment I'd rather buy all in one go from a store, so long as the price-up isn't too big of a difference.
Posted 28 January 2011 at 20:02


ya i guess it requires a bit more work but i've never had any problems with it as long as i stick to the larger sellers(they often offer bonus stuff for orders above X).

not being able to order everything in one go ends up being somewhat of a good thing, i don't binge on tons of cards that look interesting but that i never end up using lol
Posted 28 January 2011 at 20:54


I do very much have a binge-like personality.. but I've only ever bought cards for decks I'm actively playing (or once, when I was drinking and thought it'd be a good idea *cough* It was, except the deck catches WAY too much aggro in multi-player)

I'll check the site out when I'm ready to shop. One thing I noticed from MTGMintCard.. they're selling Khalni Heart Expedition and Explore for over $1 each.. so it seems they offer good-average prices on rares.. but the commons.. damn!
Posted 28 January 2011 at 21:37


ya i looked up a few cards on MTGMintCard that are on my next cardshark order and most were more expensive
Posted 28 January 2011 at 21:39


I've been buying from www.cardkingdom.com for years, they are not the cheapest but good enough and I'm happy with their service.
Expensive cards I buy on ebay most of the time.

I bought 37 of the old (3th edition) duals on ebay in one auction a few years ago. Best deal I ever did.
Posted 31 January 2011 at 08:00


If you want to quicky compare some prices - at the bottom of each card page there are ebay links and a table pulling data from Bidwicket. Bidwicket is a lot like eBay stores, in which shops sell their inventory through a pre-made shop front.

I think there are quite a few popular shops on there, so looking could be a really quick comparison tool. Here's an example Necropede - quite a few stores selling that card :p

Posted 02 February 2011 at 22:39


The way I buy cards I found on the vault is

1) find the card: Necropede

2) click the View [card name] at MagicCards.info at the very bottom of the page

2.5) a handy list of official tournament rulings on the card are displayed
(where I get half my answers from in the help section)

3) in the upper left corner, click [View all prices]

This allows me to see all the available options on one page, easy to get to from the vault. Haven't been disappointed yet
Posted 03 February 2011 at 10:50


lol, so that's where all our ad revenue goes; lining magiccards.info's pockets! :P
Posted 03 February 2011 at 18:46


I've been looking at CardShark, and am definitely going to use it when the time comes to make my next round of purchases. One more question, though. After adding items to your cart from multiple users, do you make one single payment per check out (to CardShark) or multiple payments (to each seller)?
Posted 09 February 2011 at 04:57


hum...i'm not sure, i've always just ordered from one seller at a time
Posted 09 February 2011 at 15:07


Hmm. Okay, thanks for the reply :) I'll have to look for a CardShark FAQ or buyer's guide when I get the chance.
Posted 09 February 2011 at 15:13


I'm from Portugal so I buy from Magictuga.com . They only ship to Portugal, because they're a portuguese company, but they're prices are quite reasonable. I've compared to others and it's a cheap site... Besides to all packages above 50 euro they ship free, so me and my friends do our shopping together to surpass that amount....
Posted 09 February 2011 at 15:39


I've used 2 sites that are really good

manaleak.com and starcitygames.com both are very good and quick at delivery and manaleak send you out free boosters, rares, other cards and sleeves when you order over certain ammounts.

A good shop to use if buying from ebay is thetrolltrader best place on ebay for any cards in my opinion

I will always type the card in on ebay before i buy anything and click on price and postage lowest first just to see where i get the best deal from as a lot of shops also have ebay stores where you can get 4 of for the same price of 1 from the same company.

eg. other day i got 4 mortician beetles for $2 inc delivery and on the shop online there $2 each.
Posted 09 February 2011 at 21:28


all about mtgfanatic.com wierd prices on somethings, but always got my cards and always got em quik. plus they sell sleaves and token and even videogames and stuff, pretty cool. theres alot of decks to browse on there also, and a handy, cards commonly used with thing.
Posted 13 February 2011 at 22:15
