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[U+W/B] Massively Unrealistic

my "massively unrealistic" deck, to prove Mass Polymorph is pretty fun. limited creatures, a bit of control, Sphere of the Suns & core-dual-lands to fix mana. there are only A FEW BOMBS. http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=149820 see the direction of the deck?

when mass poly happens, there are ONLY good stuff to hit. at the worst case, Blightsteel should keep coming back. i considered putting in Everflowing Chalice & Mox Opal. Also considered using the trio of Legendary Eldrazi instead, except that Tezzeret's last ability cares about artifacts, so that's an alternative win condition. Venser can actually "win" with his last ability or blinking the living weapons to swing.

the entire deck seems to run on the two planeswalkers.:confused:
Posted 04 March 2011 at 12:58


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