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Hi! Can you help me Updating?

Good evening guize! I've been playing this game since 1996 but like 5 years ago I quitted bcause well, I got married :p.

Now I need a major update 'cause not only the card's art has changed. I figured out the new names for stuff (vigilance & such) but I need some help with the new rules and how to apply them. Also I would love if you could redirect me to a complete list of the Magic 2011 Expansion cards & a complete list of Mirrodin Besieged. The Card search is impractical for my purposes. I good ol' list where I can copy the card's names to a notebook easily. My plan here is to build a decent deck with only those two expansions as a challenge :eek:

If you could also recommend specific cards or decks so I can them check out and make my own evaluation, would also be nice and I for one, will certainly appreciate that. Finally I would like you to know that I love cards and mechanics like http://gatherer.wizards.com/Handlers/Image.ashx?multiverseid=26477&type=card or http://www.evocacion.com/magic-the-gathering/destino-de-urza/img/masticore.jpg

Well, let's just call them the masochist type of card lol.

thx in advance boys! have fun and good luck opening your boosters.
Posted 09 March 2011 at 18:40


Ok, a couple things. First, gatherer is an amazing engine that if you simply select the set and select the output mode as 'checklist', you'll get a list of that set's cards, ordered in whatever order it'll allow (i like collector number as it's alphabetically color-sorted that way). Second, Molten-Tail Masticore was just printed recently, i thought you might like that.
Posted 15 March 2011 at 02:04


[QUOTE=LordoFaeries]Good evening guize! I've been playing this game since 1996 but like 5 years ago I quitted bcause well, I got married :p.[/QUOTE]


And let this be a lesson to all you kids out there, marriage will set you back 5 years :)
Posted 15 March 2011 at 08:17



And let this be a lesson to all you kids out there, marriage will set you back 5 years :)[/QUOTE]

That's why when I get married the first thing I'm gonna do on my honeymoon is teach my wife how to play Magic.
Posted 15 March 2011 at 09:10


[QUOTE=InfiniteLunacy]That's why when I get married the first thing I'm gonna do on my honeymoon is teach my wife how to play Magic.[/QUOTE]

This is why I'll try to teach my girlfriend magic: more time for playing during the honeymoon XD
Posted 15 March 2011 at 09:20


Yeah, I tried that, didn't work out... My wife just couldn't care less about the game.

One of my best friends has a girlfriend who plays, lucky fucker, in fact she kicks his ass every time they play. They are both fairly new to the game (+-2 years playing casual) and she doesn't play often but when she does, damn!!! that's a lot of magic playing potential there.
Posted 15 March 2011 at 09:27
