Discussion Forum

Doubling Cube

I'm looking at putting a Doubling Cube in my deck, but have a quick question.

Since the Doubling Cube (Pay 3, Tap, Double the amount of each type of mana in your mana pool) will double my mana, at the end of my turn will the unused portion stay in my pool, or will it be gone at the end of my turn?

For example, say I have 5 islands, and 4 swamps, I pay 3 islands, which will leave me with 2 islands and 4 swamps left. I tap the Doubling Cube, and then I will have 4 islands and 8 swamps to use.

During my turn I use 3 of the islands, and 4 of the swamps, and 1 island and 4 swamps do not get used. I end my turn. Will I be left with only my original mana, or would the unused mana stay in my pool?

Thanks in advance.
Posted 12 March 2011 at 23:41


your mana pool empties out at the end of each phase.
Posted 13 March 2011 at 03:17


You've got it all wrong. The mana pool isn't "The place where my lands physically are". The mana pool is a "imaginary bucket where you throw X units of mana into." You tap one land to add 1 unit of mana to your mana pool. Assuming you had 6 islands and 6 swamps and you tap 3 islands to double all mana in your mana pool, you're essentually multiplying 0 by 2....you get no gain as the three mana that you threw into your "bucket" was used to activate the cost of doubling all mana.

To effeciently use Doubling cube you need to TAP all 6 islands and swamps adding 12 units of mana into your mana pool. You spend 3 of that (9 remaining) and double what is in your pool (so now you have 18 usable mana). Like all mana, it will disappear at the beginning of the next step/phase unless a card ability says otherwise.
Posted 13 March 2011 at 03:19


try Omnath, Locus of Mana with Doubling Cube, slam Rancor on that baby and hit them in the face.
Posted 14 March 2011 at 07:57
